𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐦𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞

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I ran through the hallways with fear coursing its way through my veins. My mind was fuzzy and I couldn't think straight. Tears ran down my face and the blood that was on my body made my skin itch.

"Y/N GET BACK HERE!!!" Bramhs voice echoed throughout the hallway.

His voice caused me to panic, he was close. I never thought this would have happened to me. I was a good person, I never did anything that was wrong. The reason as to why I'm in the situation I am in right now is because I applied to work as a nanny. I got an offer by an elderly couple. They hired me to watch they're kid and I agreed. They were sweet but what set me off was that they're kid was actually a doll.

It weired my out nonetheless but I kept my mouth shut. They were paying me well for a simple job. I took care of the doll as if it were a kid. But both the house and the kid put me on edge. It felt as though I was being watched, but no one was there.

Thats what I thought...until my ex came here and tried talking to me. But he killed him. Thats when I knew that I wasn't alone after all..because Brahms was here all along.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard his footsteps get closer. I immediately tired to find a place to hide. I ran into a room and quietly closes the door. I moved the dresser so it would block the door in hopes that he wouldn't be able to come in.

"Y/n...where are you?" Brahms voice was deep and horse. It wasn't his usual childlike voice.

The sound of his footsteps made my heart beat faster. It felt my heart hit my rib cage and sweat was dripping off my forehead. I grabbed onto a lamp to use as a weapon and gripped it tightly. My knuckles were white.

" I know you're close Y/n..don't hide from me." I can tell that he was getting closer.

I heard him opening doors, knocking things over, and shattering glass. His footsteps stopped infront of the room I was in. I put my hand over my mouth so he won't hear me breath. He tried opening the door.

"I know you're in here.." I can tell that was messing with me due to the childlike voice he had in right now.

He tried opening the door again but huffed knowing it wouldn't open.

" OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR Y/N!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. I felt the whole room vibrate.

He began to bang on the door and the dresser began to move slightly. A sob escaped my mouth and tears streamed down my face. The banging began to get both louder and faster. I knew the door was close to breaking. I pushed myself into a corner as I held onto the lamp.

He eventually knocked the door down causing the dresser to fly and hit against the cause making it crumble to pieces. I sobbed as I saw his tall figure in the doorway. Him and I both made eye contact, my blood ran cold. He began to slowly walk towards me.

"G-get away from m-me!" My voice was shaky.

I decided to take run for it but Brahms grabbed onto my wrist. I smashed the lamp against his head causing him to groan in pain and fall. I was panting, I ran to doorframe but I felt Brahms large hands grip onto my waist tightly. He threw me on the bed aggressively and towered over me.

He was above me, I saw his eyes through the masks holes. His eye color was black and held anger. He was breathing heavily. I shouldn't have done this but I slapped him causing him mask to fly and fall onto the floor. The sound of plates breaking was heard. I gasped once I saw Brahms face, the right side of his face had burns, and he had a beard. His skin was smooth yet pale, probably due to him being inside all his life.

He his face was to the side due to me slapping him and my handprint was on his face. I fucked up..Bramhs turned his head to look at me and huffed.

"You're going to regret doing that love." His voice made me shiver.

His large cold hand gripped onto my neck, he lowered himself closer to me. I felt his hot breath fan my face.

"Why did you try running away from me Y/n?" His voice was dangerously calm.

Tears made they're way into my eyes.

"ANSWER ME!!" He yelled in my fave causing a little bit of his spit to land on me.

The grip on my neck tightened, my throat was being crushed softly. Black spots began to form in my vision.

"I-im sorry." It hurt to speak. He looked into my eyes and his facial expression softened.

He let go of my neck and I coughed, I gasped for air.

You are mine Y/n." His voice held dominance.

I whimpered.

"SAY IT!" His face held anger.

"I-m y-ours." I sobbed at the end of my sentence.

I saw him smirk at me, I shivered knowing that I gave in. I felt disgusted. Bramhs put his face into the crook of my neck. I shivered feeling his breath hit my neck. I tried pushing him off me with all my strength but he wouldn't move. I began to hit his chest but he growled. He took ahold of both of my wrists and pinned them above my head.

"G-get OFF ME!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and thrashed around.

Brahms straddled me making me defenseless. He began to pepper my neck with kisses and I froze in terror.

"I need to show you who you belong to Y/n." Brahms spoke calmly.

"I-I hate you." I spoke with venom in my voice.

Bramhs stopped what he was doing and froze. I panicked not knowing what he'd do. He chuckled making me confused.

"No you don't Y/n, and im going to show you."

I was about to something but a gasp escaped my mouth when I felt Brahms suck on my neck softly. I tried turning my head and making my neck unavailable but he held onto my head.
There will be a part 2 due to this chapter being long

𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now