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Who's coming back —'{ chapter fourteen}'—

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Who's coming back
—'{ chapter fourteen}'—

As I drove my car down the familiar streets nothing seemed out of the ordinary I just felt like I couldn't go back I honestly wished I was still with JJ in his arms but I had to come home one last time

I pulled into the driveway seeing my moms car I sighed as I felt a cold shiver getting out of the car grabbing my keys

I felt weird I mean growing up your taught to feel safe at home or with your family but I'm the opposite I'm afraid of home of my mom and I just don't know how to help myself

I took a deep breath as I open the door as I walk in but it seemed different the house smelt of lavender instead of it's usual weed and alcohol the house looked cleaning as I closed the door

There was music playing not a single broken bottle or cigarette bud in sight "hey sweetie" I heard causing me to jump I turned and saw my mom with a vacuum smiling from ear to ear

"Are you high or something still drunk mom what is going on your only like this when" I spoke quickly as I slowly back up when realization hit me "yes brook he's coming home tomorrow" my mom finished my thought

A small smile appeared on my face my older brother was coming home from this football thing our mom sent him to I believe she sent him away so she had full access to do whatever she wanted to me because Lucas (my brother) always protected me since THAT day

"So you going to be nice" I questioned "sober im going to be sober just until I can figure out where to send him next but don't you worry baby girl you won't go anywhere" she said with a soft smile as she turned the vacuum on and continued to clean

I sat there with a confused look for a few minutes before I ran upstairs and hiding in my room like always but I wasn't scared I checked in my mirror to see if my bruises were still bad

When I pulled up my shirt and saw the dark purple green bruise on the side of my stomach I felt a feeling I felt many times before lost I lowered my shirt as a tear rolled down my check

"Hunny you know I don't mean it I would never hurt you okay I'm sorry" my mom says scarring me once again but I quickly wiped the tears before nodding "I know" I said holding back all the pain as I forced a smile on my face watching my mom walk away

I walked over and closed my door leaning up against it "sorry mom" I whispered as I grabbed a bag stuffing my phone, wallet and an outfit 

I had finally walked all the way to John bs only to find them all getting into the Twinkie "where we going" I said trying to act as happy as possible "just get in princess" I hear JJ's voice

I end up in the middle of JJ and pope in the back like majority of the time while kie is in the passenger and John b is driving

JJ keeps poking my leg basically telling me he needs attention right now but I'm to busy in my head worrying about what gonna happen when my brother comes to town but that was interrupted by John b "I mean it's obvious right" he questions as pope is looking very closely at the compass and JJ is still poking me

"What is exactly" I asked "a family heirloom what better place to hide a secret message he had to of known it would get back to me right" he looked at kie more so for approval but this got everyone's attention JJ even stopped poking me "I guess it's possible" me and kie agreed

"It could also be possible that you're concocting  wild theories to help deal with your sad feels" pope interfered "pope" kie spoke stern i for one agreed with pope maybe this was a rabbit hole and John b was dragging us to our death

"Bro you know how I process my sad feels" JJ starts up "no one wants to hear this" I spoke rolling my eyes at him "dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies and cuddles from brookie" he continued pulling me into him as I giggled "that's how I do it" he got quiet really fast which concerned me

When I looked him in the eyes completely ignore the others he put a big smile on his face but I knew he was faking it I leaned my head on to his shoulder adjusting myself to be pretty much cuddling with him because know I understood that he needed a attention because he was sad which I was right as he snuggled me closer to him I refocused on the conversation even though I had missed something's

"If it helps you believe John b" kie said in a reassuring tone "look I don't need a therapy session okay look I'm not trippin out" John b kinda flipped "it's okay to Trip bro but" JJ was interrupted "not now J" I whispered feeling him nod above me " look my dad is missing okay" John b says finally snapping at all of us making the whole Twinkie go silent as we continued on the road

"You don't know what it's like to have the closest person to you vanish and then have no idea what happened" John b spoke once again but I did know because that's what happened I woke up one morning and my brother was gone and no one would tell me what happened I went 7-9 months wondering what happened to him "waking up every morning wondering" he continued "it's been over a year" kie spoke trying to break the ice

"Well since we're already in a sad ish mode I've got some news my brothers coming back to town" I said rather quickly sitting up from JJs everyone basically exploded with 'what's' "like kook king your brother Lucas Caldwell" JJ freaked I nodded "he comes home tomorrow and my mom will actually kill me if I'm not there so this needs to be face so I can go home tonight" I spoke avoiding JJ's eyes

SAVVY SPEAKS; this chapter was kinda bad like I had it all planned out but then I hated it but I don't know I personally don't like this chapter but her brother comes home soon so yeah hope you enjoy

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