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Samaria Davis Los Angeles, California January 5th, 2022

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Samaria Davis
Los Angeles, California
January 5th, 2022

"Ma! Ma! Ma!" Kacey repeatedly yelled over and over. "Eat!"

"Kacey hold on." Samaria told him, she was fixing him some oatmeal for him to eat. "Come here, please."

Kacey small feet slapped against the marble floor as he ran into the kitchen. "Ma."

Samaria lifted him up to put him in his highchair. "Here you go stinka man." she placed the small bowl of oatmeal on the plate thing that was connected to the highchair. "Eat it since you was screaming eat, eat."

Kacey was now eleven months a smart eleven month old baby. He started walking at nine months and he also started to pick up on different words. "Your birthday next monthhh." Samaria kissed his cheek.

"Mhm no!" he pushed her out of his face. "Eat." he picked up his mini spoon and started to dig in the bowl.

"Okay rude ass lil boy." she made a face leaning back up. "Let me gone about my business." Samaria turned away from her son facing the stove to get the pot she used to cook Kacey oatmeal in. Turning the sink on for the water drain, placing the pot under the water once the pot had enough water she turned off the sink.

"Lil shorty with me and she got me, she don't care about no buzz." Samaria hummed, washing out the pot. "nineteen-forty-two get her drunk, no, she don't leave with a buzz."

"The feds on me, watch how I talk, I think they planted a bug." Kentrell came into the kitchen rapping along with Samaria. "Why y'all up fuckin' early?"

"It's twelve in the afternoon Kentrell." Samaria opened the dishwasher to put the pot in it. "I thought you went home last night."

"I was but I fell asleep watchin' TV." he came behind her to rub her belly. "All he do is eat." he chuckled, looking at his son.

"Be eating everything too."

"Da!" Kacey screamed once he seen his dad in the kitchen. "Hm." he picked up the bowl which was empty.

"Ain't nothin' in there Tarzan." he removed himself from behind Samaria going towards Kacey. "Lemme see." Kacey put the bowl in Kentrell hand.

Kentrell threw the bowl in the sink. "Kentrell that was unnecessary." Samaria mugged.

"My bad." he picked up Kacey from his highchair. "Tarzann." he ruffed his hair. "Yo momma needa do yo hair."

"I am tomorrow." Samaria said, opening the fridge getting her water bottle she placed in there a night before. "What should we do for his birthday?"

"Let's go to Elmo world." Kentrell suggested, putting Kacey down on the floor. "Yo Ipad inna living room." he told Kacey.

Kacey ran out the kitchen going to the living room to get his Ipad. "I seen it on Instagram couple days ago, it look nice for babies to go."

"Just us?"

"We his parents right?"

"Um.. anyways imma look into it." she walked out the kitchen leaving him in there by himself. "Rude ass."


"You been ignorin' my ass all day the fuck I did to you?" Kentrell stood in front of Samaria who was seated on the bed watching TikToks. He snatched her phone from out of her hands.

"Let's see what's on good on TV." she purposely ignored him, grabbing the remote from besides her. "Lifetime it is." she clicked the channel.

"I must be casper or sum?" Kentrell muttered to himself, now leaning his face in front of her. "Davis."

Samaria blankly stared at her baby daddy. "..."

Kentrell leaned his forehead on her forehead. "Samariaaaaaa." he dragged out. "What I did to you for you to be ignoring me? Hm?"

A smile formed on her face. "Move Kentrell." she shook her head for Kentrell to move his forehead from off of hers but he still laid his forehead on hers. "And give me my phone back."

"Unt, unt, tell me why you mad." he mumbled against her lips. Kentrell pecked her lips a few times. "Bae?"

"What you said earlier hurt my feelings." she stared at him. "Can you move now?"

Kentrell stood there for a good minute before moving away. "Mmtch, yo sensitive ass ian even mean it like that."

"Well I took it like that. You could've put it in another way, you know she got made me more sensitive." Samaria pointed at her belly.

"Stop blaming that shit on my princess." he sat down on the bed, putting one of his hands on her belly. "You see how yo stank ass momma be actin'? Like I won't rough her ass up."

Samaria rolled her eyes at his foolishness. "She doesn't like you."

"Because she love me, duh."

"Stop spreading false information on my unborn baby." she moved Kentrell hand from off of her. "Kacey still sleep?"

"Mhm." Kentrell nodded. "You thought of any names for princess yet?"

"No but she will have Sage in her name."

"Of course. Her name goin' to start with a K too." Kentrell stated. "Ion care whatca' sayin'."

"Who carrying her? If I wanted my baby name to start with anything besides a K oh, it's not going to start with a K."

"I said what I said, end of discussion."

"Girl boo." Samaria waved her hand around.


imma finish up these last few chapters and drop them back to back for y'all! i also got a new book otw

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