19~ Three Days

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"Six more days until I get to see you" I smiled uncontrollably at my phone.

"I can't wait to see you in person again. It's been seventy-one days since I last kissed you"

I giggled and looked at the boy on the other side of the screen. "Someone's been counting"

"Only for you snowflake."

"Mm I miss you" I told him.

He looks at me almost apologetic. "Yeah I miss you too."

"Oh I almost forgot something. I think I've picked my major" I smiled excitedly.

"What is it?"

"Biology. I want to become a doctor. Specifically a pediatrician."

He nodded proudly. "How'd you come up with that?"

"When Mom and Sky got in their car accident, I watched the doctors take care of Sky and calm her down. They were such a big help. I looked around the hospital and the smiles on the kids' faces were unmistakable. I want to do that. I want to help and putting a smile on a hurting child's face just seems like what I was supposed to do"

"Wow Cora. I'm so proud of you." My heard fluttered at his words.

"I just feel like it's perfect for me. Now I'm just excited to start learning and become a doctor" I laughed.

"A lot of people struggle through trying to find a major that they are excited to learn about and that leads to their future career, but you found it. I couldn't be more proud of you"

"I'm really exited, I can't hold it in anymore." I squealed.

"Well you have the rest of this year to find the perfect college" he told me with a smile.

I groaned and threw my head back. "That's the hard part. Do you know how many colleges there are in the United States?"

He laughed. "A lot"

"A lot and too much to choose from. Enough about me. I want to hear more about you. How's football coming?" I asked.

"Good, Coach Freeman said I could potentially be starting quarterback next year" his smile took over his face.

I squealed. "Will that's so exciting! I can't believe that!"

I literally couldn't be more proud of my boy. His dream was finally coming true.

"I know I can't believe it either."

We talked for hours. I haven't done this in so long. I didn't only miss him but I missed being around him. I missed the little things he does for me. 

It was ten thirty here. Which meant it was eleven thirty there.

"Will, it's eleven thirty. You have practice and a test tomorrow. You need sleep"

"But I want to stay up and talk to you"

"Will?" He hummed in response. "Goodnight"

My finger hovered over the end call button.

"Wait!" He called out to me. "Can you stay on until I fall asleep?" He asked.

I nodded with a smile. "Of course." I told him.

He yawned and got situated in bed. I did the same as I grew tired. My phone was the only source of light.

"Six more days" he whispered.

"Six more days" I whispered back.

Before I knew it, he was asleep and snoring quietly.

I fell asleep to the sweet sound.
"Three more days until I get to see Will!" I squealed as I ran down to the kitchen.

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