6~ Back to School

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"Senior year!" I heard someone yell and jump on top of me. Bandit barked playfully from his spot. I opened my eyes to see Remi laying on me jumping around.

"Yeah yeah, five more minutes" I shoved her off. 

She whined and pooped right back up. "Cora, it's our senior year of high school. Our last first day. Aren't you even the littlest bit excited?"

"No I don't want to grow up." I mumbled.

I could almost feel her roll her eyes at me. "Your dad is making chocolate chip pancakes for everyone, be ready and downstairs if you want some or the boys will steal it all"

That sure woke me up fast. I popped out of bed. "How many guys are here?" I asked as I walked to my clothes I picked out for today.

She shrugged. "Brothers, Nick, Tommy, and Logan." She hopped on my bed and pet Bandit.

I breathed in relief. Okay so it wasn't a lot. I changed into my clothes for today. A plain black tee with ripped white denim shorts. The shorts had vibes written in red on one of the back pockets.

"Aren't those my shorts?" Remi asked from the bed.

"Probably" I shrugged. Most of our clothes are all mixed I don't know what's mine and not anymore.

I put on my necklace I got with Sky and the girls and a few stray pieces of jewelry. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I grabbed two piece of the front of my hair and tied them together with a hair tie on the back of my head.

I put on a little makeup and I was done getting ready. I met with Remi downstairs. The kitchen had several boys scattered around it.

"Cora!" Tommy yelled and hugged me as he was the first person to see me.

"Hey Tommy" I said and hugged him back. "No one else hug me until I get chocolate chip pancakes in my mouth" I warned. They laughed but obeyed.

I got my pancakes from Dad with a hug and kiss.

"Wow someone must really like these pancakes" Logan joked as I sat down at the only open seat, beside him.

"Don't test me Bailey. I will hurt you" I warned.

He laughed as if I was teasing him.

"Don't laugh Logan, she's dead serious. She has more capability than you would think" Carter said and all the others agreed.

"She's not past hurting while you're sleeping" Dad said in all seriousness. "It's not safe to be on her bad side" he laughed.

Logan looked slightly terrified back at me. I smiled sweetly and devoured some chocolate chip pancakes.

"Hey honey" I heard Harper say and kiss Dad's cheek. I turned to face them. I had no idea Harper was here.

"Where's Sky?" I asked.

"My sister's. Her kid goes to the same school and they insisted a sleepover on the night before school." She laughed at the thought.

"Damn you weren't kidding about the pancakes." Logan said in shock. Everyone around here knew about how I feel about chocolate chip pancakes. Sucks to be the new comer.

I smirked. "Damn straight" he laughed and shook his head at me. "Oh shit, Will. I said I'd call him before school." I ran upstairs to grab my phone.

I had already missed a call and a couple of texts. I mentally face palmed myself and called him back.

"Babe?" I asked when he picked up.

"Hey snowflake" he answered. It felt amazing to hear his voice again. "Getting ready for school? It's almost time for you to leave, isn't it?"

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