11~ Project

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"How was your weekend? I heard you went to Indiana. That's what Remi told me." Logan asked as we walked to psych class on Monday.

"Yeah, I went to see Will play football. I just got back yesterday."

"Oh?" He said as we turned the corner to Mr. Trody's classroom. "How did he do?"

We walked into the classroom and made our way to our regular seats. "He did good. We weren't sure if he was gonna play, but he went in halfway through the third quarter. He got three good passes and got us some touchdowns. They won"

"Oh that's great." He smiled at me.

Soon the bell rang and the class settled. Mr. Trody walked to the dont of the room ready to start the lesson today.

"Okay class. Today is the start of your first Psychology project. You may pick your partner, but if there's any issues, I will assign you partners."

Logan and I looked at each other and nodded. He was a the only one I really knew and it would be a lot easier. There were football players and cheerleaders in here that I know, but I'm closer with Logan.

He went on to explain the project and what it was about. After he was done, he gave us full range to discuss with our partners.

Logan and I turned to each other and started to discuss our project.

"So what kind of project are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"Well he said to choose something close to home" he started. "Peer pressure? Insomnia?"

"You have insomnia?" I asked him.

He nodded in answer. "Since I was a kid. It's just always been something I've had to deal with" she shrugged.

"Wait that's it!" I exclaimed. "The two types of insomnia. Short-term and long-term insomnia."

"Yeah sounds good to me. It's makes since and I can help fill in the gaps from the research" he said.

"Okay, we'll meet after school to get the basics done" I said.

We agreed for him to come to my house after practice and class ended. We normally went in separate directions for our classes, but he walked with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a half laugh.

"Walking you to class. What does it look like?" He said and threw his arm over my shoulder.

I pushed him off. "Go to class you're going to be late if you walk me."

He shook his head and threw his arm back over my shoulder. "Nah I'm good"

"Logan Bailey, get you ass to class before I remove your arm from you body" I stopped and threatened him.

He threw his hands up in surrender. "Okay I'll go, see you later?"

I nodded. "I'll be at practice" I told him.

He nodded and turned on the balls of his feet with a little wave before jogging in the opposite direction. I walked the rest of the way to my class.

Remi was smiling ear to ear. Which is not unnatural with Carter being in this class with us, but it's a different kind of smile.

"Guess what?" She said happily before I could even sit down.

"What?" I laughed and took my seat.

"Isaac is coming back home and he's a little freshman! Isn't he just so old?" She squealed.

I raised my eyebrow at her in confusion. "It's been a month since school started. Shouldn't he have already been here?" I asked.

I assumed he was here but he didn't care about Remi.

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