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|Author's pov|

Sunlight struck Y/n's face, rousing her from a comfortable sleep, a peace she hadn't enjoyed in years.

Diverting her gaze, she found her mafia bunny husband sleeping deeply, his grip tight around her waist. A smile spread across her face, and she kissed his forehead before heading to the washroom for her morning routine.

Y/n emerged from the washroom wearing a simple floral dress that highlighted her milky white skin's beauty.

She cast one last glance at Jungkook and left the room.

Y/n reached the kitchen and saw maids preparing breakfast.

"Oh, Mrs. Jeon! Do you need anything?" Eunji asked politely. Y/n smiled and shook her head.

"No, I don't need anything. Can I help you prepare breakfast?" Y/n's voice was soft and gentle. The maids' faces lit up with adoration at her cuteness.

"No, Mrs. Jeon. Actually, the master forbade us from letting you do any work. If he sees you in the kitchen, he'll be extremely angry," Eunji replied. Y/n's face fell slightly; she really wanted to help.

"Please let me help you, and Jungkook is still sleeping. We'll be done before he wakes up," Y/n said with puppy eyes, a look that was hard to resist.

The maids exchanged glances and sighed. Eunji nodded her head, and Y/n's happiness was evident.


"Mrs. Jeon, everything is ready. Please go to the dining table before the master arrives," Eunji said with a tense expression; it was already time for Jungkook to wake up.

"Just a minute, Eunji. I'm just frying this-Ahhhh!" Y/n was responding to Eunji when her wrist accidentally touched a hot pan. A sharp, painful scream escaped her lips, causing every maid to widen their eyes. They rushed to her side.

"Mrs. Jeon, what happened?" one of the maids asked but gasped upon seeing a burn mark on Y/n's wrist.
Y/n was surprised by their reaction. They were trembling with fear now.

"It's okay! It's not a big deal," Y/n reassured them, trying to ease their concerns. However, her words didn't calm them down; they were still panicking, which confused Y/n.

"Y/N," they all heard Jungkook calling. Beads of sweat formed on their foreheads upon hearing Jungkook's voice.

"It's fine! Don't tell Jungkook about this; I'll do the same," Y/n said, holding Eunji's hand for support. Eunji nodded, still fearful.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked upon entering the kitchen. His expression revealed his disapproval of Y/n's presence in the kitchen.

"Jungkook, I was just checking on things," Y/n replied calmly. However, Jungkook seemed enchanted by her presence, his eyes scanning her from head to toe, captivated by her beauty.

"Do I have something on my face?" Y/n whispered to Eunji, who was standing beside her. Eunji replied, "No." Y/n became confused, wondering why Jungkook was looking at her like that.

"Master, breakfast is ready," one of the maids announced, bringing Jungkook back to reality. He nodded and gestured for Y/n to come with him.
She followed him to the dining table.


They both finished their breakfast, and silence hung in the air.

"Y/n, get ready," Jungkook said suddenly.

"Why?" Y/n asked, puzzled.

"We're going to the hospital for your checkup," Jungkook said casually, taking a sip of his coffee.

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