(79) HoloChristmas (Part 5)

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Aki: ......

Towa: Kanemoto-Kuuun~ come out~

Man...what is Sensei trying to pull here?

Mori: ah. There you are.

Calli crouches down beside me.

Aki: Hieee! Please don't take my underwear Calli!

Mori: Tempting. But that's not why I'm here. Just being a good friend and trying to "protecc" you.

Aki: er...very suspicious...but I'll trust you for now... phew...man...this blows. I was hoping to enjoy this damn party...*sigh*

Mori: ......*Blush* T-Then....

Calli held out her hand.

Mori: .....wanna hang out with me instead?

Aki: ......is this a new pick up line? (///=_=)

Mori: Yesn't

Aki: ......*sigh* Sure. Let's hang out.

Calli's room....

Mori: .....

Aki: .....

Me and Calli were watching a shitty christmas movie.

Aki: .....

I check my watch.


Mori: ......You want some Wine?

Aki: ...I'm underaged Calli.

Mori: C'mon. It's Christmas. Just a little won't hurt.

Aki: .....

I...I guess I can try. I've been curious about Calli's collection ever since she brought me in here for a drink...man...brings back memories...ah...I forgot this woman got me drunk too.

Aki: ...Just a bit then.

Mori: Perfect.

She pauses the movie.

I follow her to her mini bar.

Mori: I'm guessing you don't know much about Alcohol so I'll just pick the best one outta my collection.

Aki: ....

She pours wine into a....rather expensive looking wine glass.

Aki: is this...Vers*ce? Where did a streamer like you get enough money to buy 2 of them!?

Mori: hm? Oh. These were a birthday gift from Death-Sensei.

Aki: heeeh~

Mori: here. Cheers.


Aki: .....

Hey....this is not half bad...

Aki: kaaah~

Mori: .....

Wow....she really does look pretty when she's acting all mature.....if only she behaves like this everyday...

Aki: ....*sigh* ....

Mori: hm? Something wrong?

Aki: ah. No not really. The wine's great by the way.

Mori: ohh...

She takes something out of the mini freezer.

Mori: want some ice cream?

Aki: woah! Cookies n' cream! Yes please!

Mori: You like cookies n' cream Aki?

Aki: yep. It's my favourite actually.

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