(35) HoloTomorrow

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Aki: .....

Freed: *whistling Yakudo* *SPEENing Pen*

Aki: ....I'm gonna start recording now. Can you Kindly fuck off young sir?

Freed: I wanna observe. I mean TODAY IS where you will be announcing to your viewers that you support "William Tell" after all. Kek.

Aki: For the record. I don't. I have friends who told me how shitty this "William Tell" thing is.

Freed: Lol I didn't ask for your opinion. All I know is those baboons of yours would listen to whatever you have to say. So. You better put on a great show.

Aki: You Fuck!

Freed: And you Don't! Oooh! Get dunked on!


Amelia: Alright. Today is the day! You ready squad!?

Motoaki: Yep. Everything is all set up.

Amelia: Great! Then let's head into battl-

EmployeeA: Boss, someone's here to see you.

EmployeeB: She said she want to join in on your little plan.

EmployeeC: I am a Fauna simp.

Ina: wait..they want to what now?


Motoaki: K-Kristina!?

Kristina: Yo sensei~ been a long time.

Why is she here!? Fuck! Was Freed on to my plan!? Zhuge Liang I have failed you-

Kristina: Basically I'm rebelling against my father. And I want to save Aki.


Motoaki: You're....rebelling?

Kristina: That's right. I heard from our Maid that my father is abusing talented kids like Aki. I may be his daughter but uh...fuck that guy "lol"

What is it with the Williams and using "Lol" "lmao" "Kekw" IRL!?

Ina: I mean...she IS the daughter...she could be useful.

Motoaki: (Lightbulb)...I got it!

Kiara: Wow~ good job Naegi.


Freed: hm? Ah! Darling daughter of mine! What brings you here today!?

Kristina: None of yer fukn business 4-eyes.

Freed: Understandable Have a nice day. (///=v=)

Uwah. I hate his guts but I felt that. Kris has no chill.

Kristina: Mind if I use this PC?

Freed: why yes! Do you want to start streaming too my darling daug-

Kristina: Just shut up old man.

Freed: Understandable Have a nice day. (///=v=)

She gets on the PC in front of me.

Freed: Hm? You wanna play a game?

Kristina: Yeah it's called "Orphan simulator"

Freed fell off of his chair.

Click click click....tap tap...

Kristina: ....my job is done. Please work.


Kristina: Oi, Kuso Oyaji you better not fuck with my game! It's slowly grinding materials. And if I don't get that last material. I will riot.

She turns the monitor's power off.

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