(58) HoloTime (Part 6)

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Kronii: .....

Aki: ......

Haki Was sleeping next to me. He was tugging on my shirt.

Kronii: ......

I gently poke his face.

Kronii: ......haah...I really should find a way home. Mama must be worried about me...and...I don't wanna bother this kid more than I already have.

I gently move his bangs to the side.

Aki: nn...okaa...san...

Kronii: ......

Is he dreaming about his mother?

Aki: okaa...san...I wanna fuse Mitsuru and Lisa...

Kronii: ....(///=_=)

What is he talking about?

Aki: Okaa..san...please don't go...

Kronii: ......

Aki: Okaasan...*sob* ...uuughh...

Kronii: ...*ahem* ...Okaasan is here~ Don't cry.

I hold him tight.

Kronii: Shhh~ everything's alright.

He slowly calms down.

Hehe....he stoped crying.

Kronii: ....I wonder if Mama is worried about me too.

-----The next day----

Aki: Kronii waaaait~!

Kronii: You're so slow Gintoki!

Aki: My name is Aki! Do I look like a swordsman to you!?

Kronii: If you are to be my servant then you must be faster!

Aki: I'm okay with just being you're friend...(///=v=)

We're in the forest again. I dropped an item of mine and I was hoping we could retrieve it.

Kronii: hmmm...Ah! Over there!

I point at the river.

Aki: Eh? What is that?

Kronii: It's a bracelet my mama purchased for me.

Aki: B-But the current is too strong...

Kronii: You fucking pussy.

Aki: eh? What does "Fucking" mean? I heard Obasan say it a bunch of times when her pokémon dies. Also I'm not a Pussy(Cat). I'm a human.

Kronii: *face palm* just stay here cherry boy.

I go near the river.

Kronii: ....nggh!...

Fuck! This is harder than I thought!

Kronii: Almoooost...Got iiiiiit....nggg!

Ah! I got-


Aki: Kronii-Chaaaan!


I jump in after Kronii.

Aki: Kronii are you okay!?

Kronii: You idiot! Why did you jump in!? Now we're both gonna die!!!

Aki: Quit struggling! Take my hand!

She takes my hand.

I swim with all my strength. The current was strong but I could handle this much.

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