(11) HoloDeath

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Aki: ......


Aki: huh!? Wha-?

Mori: Yo! Mornin' sunshine!

Aki: .....Calli....Why are we on a boat? Last I remember I was in the cafeteria eating toast.

Mori: Ah, I thought you might ask that so I brought it with me.

She hands me my toast and my coffee.

Aki: ....*munch* So? Why are we on a boat again? Also where is this headed to?

Mori: We're in the underworld right now.


Mori: Hm? You alright there Ak-

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Mori: Hm? You alright there Ak-

Aki: Whaddaya mean "We're in the underworld UwU" get us outta here.

Mori: Hey I never said "UwU". Also I need your help so I brought you here.

Aki: Mm? What do you need help with?

Mori: well ya see, besides HoloLive I have another job. I don't wanna disappoint Death-Sensei so I figured I'd come back once in a while.

Aki: And I'm here because?

Mori: I need an assistant.

Aki: ....*sigh*

I scratch the back of my head.

Aki: so? What is this job anyway?

Mori: Scythe swinging!

Aki: ....We're not...gonna kill a buncha people are we?

Mori: 'course not.......yet.


I "bonk" Calli's head.

Mori: Oww~ what was that for? ...hm? Ah, We're here!

Oh...oh my gosh Is that who I think it is?

We step out of the boat.

King Hassan: hmph. So Thou hast finally returned Mori Calliope.

Mori: Ah Gramps, Yep! It's good to be back.

King Hassan: mm? Who might this be?

Aki: Um...My name is Aki Kanemoto, I'll be assisting Calli today.

King Hassan: CALLI!?

His eyes bursts into blue flames.

Mori: Calm down gramps.

King Hassan: Hmph. So Mori Calliope hast awakened to human desires? As someone who hast seen thou age by the years I do not know if I approve of this or not.

Aki: *Blush* I-It's not like that.

King Hassan puts his hand on my shoulder.

King Hassan: Boy, promise me that thou will protect Mori Calliope.

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