Chapter 15

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*Carter's POV*

"Let's go Hawks. Let's go."

I sat on the bleachers in between Katie and Riley with Diana next to Katie. The cheerleaders for our team sat on the sidelines waving their Pompoms the air cheering for the players.

I watched Will walk back onto the field placing his helmet over his damp hair. He waved in our direction. The girls behind us sighed dreamily as I rolled my eyes. We had a huge lead on the other team and there was only about a minute left. Many people were getting up and starting to leave. I stayed put, Will made me promise to stay until the very end.

I sighed placing my elbow on my knee with my chin in my hand. Football wasn't really well... entertaining for me.

I wasn't paying attention for the last minute. I sat there patiently chatting with the girls about random topics. Before I knew it fans were rushing down to the field to congratulate are winning team. I stood up pulling my sweatshirt down and started down stairs of the bleachers.

"Uf!" I cried stumbling a little as I was pushed in the shoulder into the railing. The group of girls from behind us pushed past and started down towards the team.

I groaned pushing myself upright and starting down to congratulate Will.

*Will's POV*

I watched her walking towards me. Her long hair swaying as she walked. Her short figure was almost invisible among the many large bodies. But to me she stood out the most. She pushed past one of our defensive players and made her way to me.

I slipped away from one of the girls clinging to my arm and walked to Carter. The girl who had been stuck to my side called my name but I ignored her and made my way to the most beautiful women in my world.

"Congrats on the win!" She shouts over the loud voices of the crowd. She took a step towards me wrapping her arms around my torso. I smiled wrapping my arms around her small figure. I placed my chin on her head inhaling deeply taking in the sweet smell of her hair.

She pulled back keeping her arms around me but staring into my eyes. "Are you stiffing my hair?" She asks raising an eyebrow at me.

"Maybe." I reply smirking at her. "It smells good." I pull her pack into my chest smelling her hair again.

She laughed placing her hands on my chest and pushing me backwards. "Thanks, but sniff my hair again and you're not going to be able to play football ever again." She threatened crossing her arms over her chest in an attempt to be intimidating.

I laugh throwing my arm over her shoulder and leading her off the field. I could feel the eyes of students boring into my back. I typically ignore the opinions of the kids at my school. However, Carter clearly wasn't used to the attention. She kept looking around at the kids glaring at her. Every once in a while she would pull away from me, I pulled her back into my side every time. As we reached the entrance to the boys locker room, I placed my hands on her arms forcing her to look at me.

"Hey." I whisper quietly she looks up at me her eyes filled with hurt at the glares of her fellow students. "Don't pay attention to them. They're just jealous idiots who have nothing better to do than intimidate you." She smiles a little then takes a step back out of my grip.

She plugs her nose her grin growing. "Go shower you stink." She says with a laugh.

I smile lunging towards her catching her off guard. She squeals as I place a hand on her head pulling her to my armpit. She wiggles out of my grip glaring up at me.

"You. Are. Very. Mean." She says pouting her lips as she pauses between each word.

"Thank you so much." I say holding my heart. She rolls her eyes.

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