Chapter Six

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Raven's POV

              I've been grinding and working my ass of since I moved here it's been a couple of weeks and I was finally exploring the new city I now call home. I stood outside the entrance of my building waiting on jazzy to pull up  she and I where linking with some of her friends today for a quick lunch and top golf . I wore something simple  in the shades of my favorite colors green,Grey and black. My long faux locs touched my ass and I loved the way my face looked , this hair style fit me so well. Clutching my black purse in one hand and my yellow iPhone 11 in my other hand strolling on TikTok wasting time . Jazzy pulled up blowing the horn causing a smile to come onto my chubby face. "Hay girly I said entering the passenger seat and putting on my seat belt.

                 I always do and if I didn't my mind must be cloudy at the time cause that's one thing I don't forget to do often. " Hay Rae I'm so glad when can hang out babes" jasmine said pulling onto the road again. " can I hook up to the aux cord or Bluetooth" I said as jazzy stopped at the red light. " yeah girl here " she says handing me the cord". I quickly clicked on my playlist and put on my favorite song Eternal Sunshine by jhene aiko. Jasmine sang lowly to the song as I closed my eyes relaxing.
20 minutes later we pulled up to the top golf place. Jasmine put the car in park and turned off the switch. I exited the car turning around to pick up my purse of the floor board almost forgetting it.

    A group of people where standing by the entrance laughing, joking and a couple called out to jazzy greeting her as she locked her car door. " wassup everybody" jasmine said hugging a couple people. I put my mask on before approaching the group who also had there face mask on as well. The next few minutes where spent introducing me to everyone. It would be a while before I remember all these names. She took me over to the last couple people to introduce me. My heart sped up seeing him standing there tall, handsome, and built. Jasmine spoke to them and they greeted her back. " This my friend raven y'all" jazzy said introducing me and telling me  everyone's names. " Wassup Raven" Berleezy said looking up from his phone with a small smile. " Hi Berlin" I said greeting him back with a small smile. I don't even know how I mustered those words out I was so nervous.

         I thought I would have fun that night. Sike I spent the whole night sulking cause I literally sucked at golf. I loved seeing everyone having fun and enjoying themselves,but every time I was having a little fun it was whipped away by some thick girl hanging onto Berlin all evening. He would say something the bitch was having a whole body spaz laughing. Like Berlin funny but not that funny miss girl. I don't know why I was angry cause I barely knew him but he was so sexy and turned me on by a simple smile and I never have been this attracted to anyone. I spent the rest of my night trying to play the best that I could I didn't want to be a the biggest loser tonight. Even tho I knew I was one of the worse golf players here today. I sat down sipping my lemonade and soon someone  sat on the couch across from me.

         Looking up my eyes locked with Berlin's. I continued to sip my drink. His eyes flicked to my lips then back up to my eyes. He gave a me a smirk and then his phone began to ring. He pulled it out and answered it before standing up. " Hi Brazil , how was you field trip today" he said glancing over at me one last time before walking away towards the bathroom so he could  continue his convo without the loud music. I sat there for a few more minutes and eventually got up to look for jazzy. A few minutes later I found her with her boyfriend ordering food. " hay jazz I'm going to head out thanks for inviting me" I said . " glad you came boo how you getting home I can take you" she said about to get out of the line. " no I'm gonna Uber I will text you when I get home. " okay love be safe" she said hugging Dwayne. I opened the Uber app and ordered one as I made my way to the exit. Soon my uber arrived and i Checked the tag to make sure it was the right one before entering. Laying back onto my seat and looking out the window taking in the California sunset was the daily dose of  serotonin I needed.



Sorry guys about the inconsistency and the errors. I work 3pm-11pm so I haven't had time to write and when I do write I'm extremely tired and barely awake . Like no cap I been so busy I'm behind on Berlin's content ! Ugh I wish I could do YouTube full time y'all I would write daily , with the extra time on my hand. I hope you guys are enjoying this book and thanks for reading. You guys are very patient with me and I appreciate it. I want to complete this book cause my goal is to actual but a book out about Berlin that has substance not just one shots.... I mean this book with definitely get dirty and naughty but still have genuine interaction. As fans or Berleezy when no that he is a pretty intelligent guy and has a great character/ mannerisms about him which I want to show in this book along with some fantasy and excitement. Please stay toned and PLEASE VOTE ON MY BOOK !!!

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