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Damn what a night. I'm exhausted, but I have to get ready for work. I threw the covers off of my legs. I looked over to the other side of the bed. Jasmine was gone, ofc she was. Has no job yet she always out and about doing shit.

I made my way to the dresser and turned off my alarm. It was 5am so I had enough time to take a quick shower. If I was lucky I could make myself some breakfast.

I turned on the shower getting the warm water ready. I stripped out of my clothes and grabbed my toothbrush. I got in the shower and did my thing. I was finish in about thirty minutes.

I exited the bathroom. Going into the bedroom and into the closet. I had a collard shirt, and dress pants ready. I put them on quickly. Then I walked back into the bathroom to magic my hair. After putting my hair in a slick low ponytail. I did my edges.

I like the energy that's surrounding me today. Things might turn out great. Yesterday wasn't terrible, but it was my first day. Anyway I should get to the kitchen and make something.

I walked downstairs. While heading to the kitchen I passed Jasmine in the living room. She looked like she was on the phone with someone. She was whispered, but I heard parts of the conversation. Who could she possibly be talking to at 5 in the fucking morning?

Whatever. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the milk. I took out a bowl from the dish washer. Poring me some cereal. Anything is better than going to work on an empty stomach. You never to old for some cereal the fuck.

"Bye baby, I love you."

I said as I walked through the front door.

"Bye, I love you too. Have a nice day."

Yeah whatever. HaVe A nIcE dAy lookin head ass. Why not a kiss or a hug? Anyway I got in my car and waited for the engine to heat up. It was starting to get real cold out here.

I got to school just on time.

I entered my classroom, and turned on the lights. I took a quick look at my white board. Because the janitor loves to erase my shit. Anyway it was still there and I unpacked my things. I got organized and wrote todays lesson on the board.

Checking the clock just above my door. I noticed that I had time to go to the teachers lounge. Maybe I could get a coffee or even a bagel. Shot the cereal really ain't do shit.

I entered the teachers lounge. Thankfully it was empty. I noticed they were out of coffee so I got a lemonade from the vending machine. Along with a pack of cookies.

While walking down the hallway towards my classroom. I hear the sound of students blacked off at the front doors. They weren't allowed inside until the 7:15 bell rang. Shit..I made haste to reach my classroom before the chaos.


Wheeew. That was a long day. These kids have been stressing me the fuck out. I had to yell twice this morning. Assign a student to detention. And got three in school suspension. I was not the one to fuck with today. The mood from earlier completely disappeared. Once I noticed my wife being sneaky. And then Zoe not coming to school today.

What's up with her anyway? I came to school because she was someone I looked forward to seeing. Not seeing her today raised many questions.

Did I chase her away back at the gymnasium? Or was it because she really doesn't like me, and has moved on to a new girl? I mean I am married. She has every right to walk away from me. She doesn't owe me an explanation for her absence. But one day I'll be the judge of that.

I closed my door and made my way to the parking lot. I notified the office ladies I would be leaving now. I told them good night, and left. I needed to stop at Walmart because I ain't got nothing to cook.



"How come your ass ain't go to school today?"

Uggh why my mama so damn nosy? She can't see I'm tryna sleep.

"Get your ass up. I ain't raising no loser."

"Ma whatever. I can't take a mental health day. I need to be alone for awhile. Is that so hard to understand."

"What's so hard to understand is why all of a sudden you making excuses. Know you telling me something wrong with your head. The doctor ain't tell me nothing wrong with you. When you were born."


I sighed knowing that she wouldn't understand. It was no use trying to talk to a brick wall.

I just rolled over and got back underneath the sheet. Tears began poring from my eyes. I've lost so much in such little time. The girl I thought I could love forever. My dad...

I refuse to go to school and see Mrs. Clark. Her ass would try some slick shit. I didn't have the energy to entertain her today. Maybe later on I could pull up on Bre. See where her minds at about the whole situation. I mean what happened the other day was crazy.

Never have I ever been shot at. People is ruthless out here. And I'm not tryna become another hashtag. My family need me.

I opened ig and went to Kayla account. I went to her following, and saw Bre account. It was public so I was able to message her. I let her know it was me.

Through text message...

𝐁𝐫𝐞😮‍💨: yo wassup

𝐌𝐞: nun much just takin a mental day

𝐁𝐫𝐞😮‍💨: right, right you come before all other things

𝐌𝐞: exactly, finally someone who understands me

𝐁𝐫𝐞😮‍💨: I could help you understand other things 😏

Idk why, but my cheeks felt warm. I know my ass ain't blushing. I mean I ain't been with nobody in a minute. And it was a mental day. Which meant getting my mind off things. But what if hanging with Bre caused more confusion and pain? That's just a risk I'm going have to take.

𝐌𝐞: Can I come through?


Next time on... ꏳꋪꂦꌚꌚꎇꍏꀷꏂꀷ

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