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This morning I woke up on my own. Mom had told me from yesterday that she won't be home today so we don't have lesson today. That's good because I don't have the energy to do anything.
Then I felt a sharp pain on my arm and remembered what happened yesterday.

I went to the bathroom and looked the door just in case someone walks in. I pulled up my sleeve and carefully cleaned the wound, as it was now visible the word "freak".
I sighed and pulled the sleeve back down.

I walked to the kitchen and Finneas and Billie was there.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Finneas said smiling and Billie was doodling on her notebook.

"Morning" I said in a sleepy voice and went over to hug him as he hugged back.

"You okay?" Billie asked worriedly.

"Yea just tired" I said and tried to walk over to the couch but Billie grabbed my hand that had the freak cuts on it. Oh shit this hurts.

"Ah my hand.." I groaned slightly, so it won't be so noticeable that there's something on it.

"I didn't grabbed you hard.. is there something?" She asked now more worried.

"Nothing, so what do you want" I changed the subject pretty quickly.

"Do you want breakfast?" Billie asked kindly

"Nah I'm not hungry but thanks" I said and looses my arm from her hand and sat on the couch and watched TV.

I have noticed the past weeks that Brook seems a little off, like.. she's hiding something or I don't know. We usually tell each other everything, but now she just don't.

"You see that she wasn't herself there" I told Finneas and he nodded. I have told him my theory and he thinks the same.

"Yea you are right, something's not right. She is not her bubbly self" he said and I sighed trying to think of what she may be going through.

"Do you think she may think we don't care about her?" Finneas said that made me look at him.

"Why would you say that?" I asked him looking a little confused.

"I mean, we are not always home because of work, mom and dad too also she spends a lot of hours alone, she may think we are too busy for her" he said quietly so she can't hear. As I thought what he said I realised he may be right about that.

"Oh my god, I haven't thought about that! You may be right.." I said a little panicked and Finneas came over and hugged me.

"Don't worry we will find out whatever it is" he said softly and I nodded still hugging him.

Finneas and Billie left about an hour ago, that means I'm home alone. I like being alone but it the other hand when I'm alone no one can control me from doing bad things to myself.

It's my way to escape from reality. I know it's bad but I can't help it.
I walked the hallway and entered my room and locked the door just in case, you never know.

I found my new lighter that I had bought yesterday and sat down on the floor pulling my pants down.
And started slowly burning my inner thigh.

"1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 enough!" I counted up to eight because I couldn't handle more of it.
The only thing I could hear right now was my heavy breaths as tears running down my face.
I sighed as got up from the floor and pulled up my pants.
I grabbed my skateboard and skated over the Hollywood hill where I usually spend my most afternoons. And yea I skate.
I sat down on my usual spot beside the letter "O" looking at the view.

Then this thought came across my mind, what if I jump? No no terrible idea, but if..
This thought came to my mind a lot those days but I try to ignore them but now I can't somehow.

I stayed there about an hour until it was time to go home eventually.
I skated down the hill carefully and reached the road that I skated back home.

"You again? You are a stalker really" she said blocking my way. I just sighed.

"Shut the fuck up and let me go" I said in an attitude and pushed her out of my way.
She run up to me and punched my face really hard. Shit.
I just skated fast home as I was holding my nose because that brat made it bleeding. I hope no one is home right now, I wouldn't want them to see me right now at my worst, I don't want them to worry about me and they'll start with a bunch of questions.

I fast left my skateboard on the yard and run inside, thank god no one was home yet. That's good.

I grabbed a lot of tissue paper and blow my nose twice the blood running was unstoppable right now.
My hands and face where covered with blood. I don't know what to do.

And then happened something I didn't wanna happen, I heard the door opening..

"Brook? What happened?" Billie said as I turned around fast still with the tissue paper on my nose.

"Oh nothing just.. a nose bleed" I said anxious as she came and hugged me as she comforted me in a way only she can.

"A nose bleed from nowhere?" She asked a bit worried as she loosened the hug. I couldn't speak, I just nodded slightly looking down.

"Um y-yea.." I said looking into her eyes. I'm so stupid I said a nosebleed from nowhere.

"I'll try to believe you for now, whenever you want to talk to me don't hold yourself" she said kindly whipping my tear I didn't know I had till now.


Billie took care of my nosebleed very well, I wanna split out everything to her but I just don't. I know she won't judge me and will help me out.

Now we are watching the office while cuddling on the couch. Billie is eating a burrito as always, I told her I'm not hungry I'm actually starving. I hate lying to my big sister but ugh I don't know what to do.

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