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"Oh shit, you picked up. I thought you'd be at work."
"Nope, Jungkook let me go home early." you say into the phone, sitting on the couch.
"Home?" Will chuckles from the other end of the line. "You haven't been home in months." he says.
You sigh, "Right, sorry. I'm just used to the mansion being my home at this point." you say.
"Dude, I miss you. Dad misses you." your brother says.
"Will, I'm an adult. I can live with my boyfriend if I want. Dad has been waiting for one of us to move out forever, you're just jealous your younger sister got out before you." you say, chuckling.
"Y/N, seriously. Can we at least have dinner together once a week? You can bring Jungkook too, and your friends, even." Will suggests. Your phone begins to beep, you look at the screen.

Incoming Call...

"Hold on..." your eyebrows furrow, "My old boss is
calling me, stay on the line."

"Hey, Mr.Kim?—."
"I decided to pass by the diner this morning to
check in." He says. There's a pause. Mr.Kim sighs. ".. but then, I saw the show on Nina's windows.. so I turned around." Jin says. You take a deep breath. "Mr.Kim..."
"Y/N. This is the second call I've made to tell you that you need to fix your act."
"I know. But listen, Nina broke into the house to take those photos." you explain. You hear Jin sigh again from the other end of the line and you drop your head.

"I got a call from the head property owners, y/n. You know this. The Jeon's franchise is at stake if this isn't cleared up!" he says. Your eyes widen, "What?! I didn't know that!" you say.
"You didn't? But.. Jungkook got a call too." Jin says. You hear a slight gasp from the other end of the line. "Oh... he—."

"Jungkook didn't tell me." you think out loud, realising he's been keeping the harsh reality of things away from you. Jungkook doesn't want you to worry for him. "I gotta go, Mr.Kim." you say before hanging up.

"Hey, Will.. I gotta go—."
"So I was thinking. How about dinners together every Sunday?" Will suggests. You chuckle, "I'll bring it up with Jungkook. Bye, dumbass." you say.
"See you, loser—." you hang up.

"I'm home." Jungkook tiredly sings, sighing as he drops his work bag onto the bedroom floor. Cocking an eyebrow when he receives no response from you, he flips on the light. "Why isn't she in bed?" Jungkook asks himself quietly, confused to why you aren't sleeping at this late hour. Jungkook begins sniffing the air as he walks back out the room. The scent carries his feet down the stairs but in a different direction this time; towards the kitchen.

Jungkook chuckles, "Baby, what are you doing? It's midnight!"
You innocently look up from pot you're stirring, "Jin called." you say, looking back to what you're cooking. Jungkook grimaces, "Oh. What'd he say?"
"He said he got a serious call from the property owners and that you did too.." you say. Jungkook begins to nervously gnaw on his lip, ".. but you didn't tell me." you say, finishing your sentence.

Jungkook chuckles, "So you decided to cook for me?"
"You didn't tell me about the problems so I wouldn't worry, right?" you ask, Jungkook nods. "So I'm making you food since you had a stressful day." you say. You lift a spoon from the pot. "Try this. But before you say anything, you're the head chef at a diner so lower your standards by like.. eighty percent." you say, Jungkook chuckles. "You're my girlfriend, so if it tasted like shit I think I'd just say it was Michelin star material anyways." he jokes.
You laugh, "Just try the damn broth."
You wait anxiously as he takes a sip from the spoon you're holding. Jungkook hums. "It's delicious."
"Good, because I also made you five other things and
I think the soup is my best bet." you say. You both laugh.

Jungkook sighs, leaning back in his seat. "I'm stuffed.. thank you, darling."
You smile, "No problem. I hope it wasn't too bad." you say.
"It was great." Jungkook says. He pats his firm thigh, "Come here, sit." he insists. You do as he says, sitting on his lap.

Jungkook pushes the hair away from your ear. "You can't just serve me a delicious meal and act like all our problems have disappeared." Jungkook whispers. You sigh, "I know.. I just wanted to do something for you since you were leaving all the worrying to yourself."

"Well, before I was hungry and worried. Now I'm full and worried, y/n." Jungkook says. He lets out a low groan. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I just don't know what we're gonna do. We could lose everything. This deal was my dream... Jin's dream. We have so little time to fix things." Jungkook explains.
You rest your head on his shoulder, "Can't you just keep ripping the photos down?"
"It's not enough." Jungkook replies.

"We'll come up with something." you say, patting his chest in reassurance. Jungkook scoffs, "We don't have a choice." he says.

After sitting and soaking in the silence of each other's presence for a bit, Jungkook places a kiss on your head. "How about we go upstairs and take a relaxing shower together before sleeping, hm?" he suggests. Before you can respond, there's a hasty knock at the door.

"Who's coming over at 1 AM?"
"I'll get it." Jungkook says, getting up from his seat.

You watch as Jungkook walks over to the gigantic wood door and opens it, leaving you unable to see who's there. Jungkook cocks his head to the side.

"Will?" he says.
Your eyes widen, "Will?!" you speed-walk over to the door. "What's with you and Han and Jihoon showing up to my places of privacy unannounced??" you groan. Will looks to the ground while heaving a deep sigh. You follow his eyeline and you notice what's in his hand. "Wait.. why do you have a bag?..." you ask.
"Can I just come in? Please?" Will pleas. "I'll explain."
You look to Jungkook and he nods. "Of course." he says with a smile, looking back to your brother.

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