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"Well? Cook faster! It's only breakfast time and you're already falling behind!" You hear Namjoon raise his voice from the kitchen.
"We can't! Jungkook knows the recipes best and this is our first time making some of these! Where is he?!" Hoseok desperatley asks, his hands racing around the kitchen counter top and stove.
"I don't fucking know!" Namjoon says through clenched teeth, veins starting to pop from his neck.

He crosses his arms, lifting one of his hands to chew on his fingernails as he continues to walk around the diner. Forcing a smile when passing by customers, Namjoon's eyes dart around, looking for something to help this disaster.

As you're walking back to the kitchen to deliver orders, someone grabs your wrist. "I need you." You hear Namjoon say, dryness cutting through his tone. From the small time you've known Namjoon he's always been very calm, organized and kind; so this is terrifying. He pulls you to the side.

Frantically writing something down on his clipboard, Namjoon rips the sheet and gives it to you. "That's the address to the house that all the boys and I live in. Go, type that password into the door, get Jungkook and bring him here as quickly as you can." he orders. Your eyes widen, "Me?" you ask. Namjoon's eyes also widen, "Yes, you! Who else!?"

You run out the diner, grasping onto the paper as you open your car door.
Your phone navigates you to the address, your mouth slightly gaping as you pull up in front of a gigantic mansion.

I forgot they're wealthy businessmen.

You run past a beautifully well-maintained path of flowers, quickly pressing the code into the door.

"Jung-- Mr.Jeon?" You call out, your voice echoing through the large home. You walk up a large carpeted staircase, continuously calling out for him.
You peep into multiple master bedrooms, anticipating to see the drunk head chef with a woman in one of them.

After shouting for him multiple times, you finally hear an aggravated groan come from one of the rooms. You rush over to it, pushing the door open.

There he is, Jeon Jungkook lying in a pile of rumpled blankets and pillows, disheveled hair and all. There is only one can of beer on his bedside table and he looks exhausted.

"Mr.Jeon, why aren't you at work? Namjoon is pissed off and we're packed with people." You say as you walk over to the bed. Jungkook turns to look at you, surprisingly no shock in his eyes.

"They sent you to get me, didn't they?" He asks. You nod.
He lifts a hand, gesturing for you to come closer to him. You take off your slightly messy apron and drop it on the floor, climbing onto the bed so you can sit cross-legged in front of Jungkook. He lazily sits up, proping his back against the bedframe and revealing a bit of his naked collarbones. "I'm hungover." he admits.
"Why? Why have you been drinking so much?" you ask, concerned for his well being, his newly owned business, friendhsips, and simply because you care about him.

"I'm trying to get over.. someone. I can't be with them, so I'm avoiding them and replacing the happiness they gave me with women and alcohol. Easy." Jungkook says.

Jungkook's POV

How can I explain this to y/n without her realising I'm talking about her and falling further.

Your--Y/N's POV

"No, that'll only make things worse." you say, eyeing him with worry. You place a hand down on the bed, accidentallly placing your hand on his blanketed leg. You feel his thigh tense but it soon relaxes, seeking comfort from your touch. "Y/N, I feel hopeless." Jungkook bluntly says, sadness still clear in his gaze despite his frank nature. You tilt your head, hoping for him to explain further.

"I'm grown man who can't deal with his own feelings. I run myself through countless women then sleep through work because of my pounding headache, thanks to the alcohol I indulge my system with. That's what I always resort to and the only thing I feel like I can resort to." Jungkook rambles mindlessly, eyes wandering as he speaks. "Sorry." He quickly apologizes, realizing what he just let down on you.

"Jungkook.." you sigh, accidentally calling him by his first name; and for the first time, he doesn't correct you.

Jungkook looks up at you at the sound of his own name coming from your worried tone. Your gazes meet as you look to each other.

"When I look at you, I see a multi-talented, self-sufficient, witty, slightly annoying man." you say, the corners of Jungkook's mouth lifting into a gentle grin. "You make me laugh but also inspire me, when we aren't arguing, of course." you say. A short giggle escapes Jungkook's lips as he continues to smile at your words.

"Look, I don't know why you've been avoiding me, but confront this girl and get some closure because that smile on your face? I want to see it at work, on time. Stop the excessive drinking, stop having sex with random women and deal with your feelings face-on." You say. Jungkook leans forward from his spot on the bed, taking your hands in his and staring deeply into your eyes.

"I will, y/n. I promise." he says.

Trying your best not to look down at his now exposed bare chest, you nod.

"Call me Jungkook more often, I like hearing it come from you." he says, letting your hands out of his own.
He stands up from the bed in only boxer briefs, revealing his form in its full beauty. His bulky and muscular thighs along with his lean yet chiseled chest and strong arms.. you quickly avert your eyes, turning away and covering them from his renaissance-like physique. Jungkook laughs as you hunch over on the edge of his bed, covering your eyes.
"Here." you hear from directory above you. You uncover your eyes to see Jungkook's barely clothed crotch directly in front of your face. You quickly look up to find him looking down at you, your apron in hand, which he had picked up from the floor.

"Thanks." you smile, still in awe and surprise.
"No problem.. now get out, I have to get ready for work." He says with a wink. You cheer as you walk out the room. "I've never been happier to go back to a minimum wage job." you joke from outside the door. You hear Jungkook laugh from inside, making you smile even more.

Mission: get Jungkook back to work? A success.

Your smile fades when you remember the conversation you just had. How Jungkook is trying to get over a girl, and you suggested for him to confront her directly.

Whatever, if he has feelings for someone else then there's nothing I can do. We aren't allowed to date anyways.. I can't believe he was petty enough to bring girls to the café JUST so I can see them, since dating each other is against the rules.
It's fine, he's done being a player and is going to confess his feelings to someone else. It's out of my hands.

You sigh, not knowing the girl that Jungkook wishes he could be with is you.

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora