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Your expression drops when you see Jungkook through the window on the door, kissing another woman. Your hand freezes at the sight just before touching the door handle and your jaw drops. Taking a deep breath as your eyebrows furrow in anger and disbelief, you grab the door handle, bursting into the room.
"Jungkook, how dare you?! And to think I was going to tell you I love you—!!" you yell, your words fading when the man fully turns around to face you.

"Wait, you aren't.."

Namjoon slowly claps, appearing into your vision from the other end of the room. "Bravo, y/n. You really had me fooled at one point, thinking you and Jungkook actually weren't dating." he says, he wraps an arm around the man's shoulders, "This is Junghyun, Jungkook's older brother. They look a lot alike, don't they?" Namjoon says with a smug grin.

"But Jungkook... Jungkook texted me..." you say, slowly stepping back towards the door.
"He always leaves his phone out on the counter when he goes on break, so I took it to text you and execute my plan." Namjoon says.
You grab the door handle, "Where is he?" you ask.
"He's in the other back room, down the right hallway." Namjoon says.
Just as you're leaving, Namjoon grabs your arm.
"I hope you're going to go break up with him." he says.
"No, I'm not." you retort.
"Yes, you are." Namjoon says.
"I'm not!" You raise your voice.
"You have to. Head chef and employee can't date. It legally goes against our contract."

"Then I quit." you sternly say. Namjoon lets go of your wrist with wide eyes, watching as you walk out of the room in disbelief.

Namjoon's POV

abort mission

i was right this whole time

everyone get to the diner NOW

it's an emergency

Y/N's—Your POV

You run into the other back room, finding Jungkook alone, eating a sandwich. He tilts his head. "Baby, why are you here? Your shift doesn't start for a few hours." Jungkook says, standing up from his chair.
"I just quit my job here." you smile. Jungkook's eyes widen, "What?".

"Namjoon texted me from your phone, told me to come here and go to the other back room. He got your brother to make out with another woman to see my reaction. From far away I thought it was you since I didn't know you had a brother, and obviously.. Namjoon saw my reaction. I exposed our relationship, but it doesn't matter anymore. I'm not an employee!" you explain.
"Why would you do that?"
"For you! For us. I care about what we have more than my job. I can be a waitress or cashier anywhere."

Jungkook takes your hands, "That's not fair to you. If you quit, I'm quitting too." he says.
"Jungkook.." you sigh.
"I read online that the term is called 'falling in love' instead of 'rising in love' because love is a sacrifice, so I'm fine if dating you means losing my job.
I'm falling in love with you, y/n. I love you and I'm sorry it took me so long to say it." Jungkook smiles.
Your eyebrows raise, "You really mean it?"
Jungkook chuckles, "Of course. I wanted to tell you for weeks but I just wasn't sure when."
"I love you too, Jungkook."

The 5 men tip-toe down the hallway, peaking their heads to watch you and Jungkook talk in the room. "Look! I told you they're together!" Namjoon whispers. Jimin nods, "They're been together for five or six months. It's going really well guys." he says.
"You knew?!" Yoongi and Namjoon whisper-yell in unison. "I did too." Taehyung says.
"And you guys were able to keep that secret from me? I'm so proud!" Hoseok says, wrapping one arm around Taehyung and the other around Jimin.

"Not gonna lie, I've never seen jungkook smile like.. that." Yoongi says. "He looks in love." Namjoon admits.
"I don't think they've said it yet to each other yet, that they love each other. It's so obvious, though." Jimin says.
"And how do you know this?"
"Y/N keeps me updated on their relationship." Jimin grins as he watches you and Jungkook talk with beaming faces, holding each other's hands.

It's true. Since Jimin has proven his trust to you, you've grown extremely close in friendship.

"Namjoon, let y/n keep her job. You said it yourself, Jungkook has gotten 'softer' lately but that isn't a bad thing." Taehyung says.

"I know... he's been so much kinder and respectful and overall, happier. I had no idea Jungkook was actually serious about y/n, I've never seen him dedicate this much love and time to someone." Namjoon sighs, "Fine. I'll let y/n keep her job. But the public can't find out about this—."
"Look, they're kissing!" Hoseok points with a huge smile. He claps his hands together in excitement.

A gentle grin grows on Namjoon's face, "As long as they're happy."

You and Jungkook walk to leave the room, holding hands, "Oh, hey guys. I'm quitting my job, by the way—." Jungkook says.
"Woah, woah, woah." Namjoon chuckles, "There's no need to do that. You can both keep your job, I wouldn't want to ruin something special or have you lose your jobs over the rules... so you better keep it quiet. The public can't find out and—."

"Namjoon, what do you think they've been doing the past few months?" Jimin cocks an eyebrow.
"Right. I'm just saying, you can't ruin the diner's reputation. And if anyone ever comes for an inspection, I don't even want to see the two of you talking." Namjoon says.
Smiling and looking to Jungkook, you nod. "Got it." Jungkook leans close to you, smiling into the soft kiss he places on your lips.
"And please keep the PDA to a limit." Yoongi says, rolling his eyes with a chuckle.

"So..." Jimin taps his foot, looking around at each of your friends awkwardly, "Who's gonna tell Jin?".

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now