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You and Jungkook stare up at the stars together as you sit in your camping chairs. "That one is so bright, that little one over there. It's so pretty." you point, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Ooh, that ones really bright and pretty too.." you giggle, "You can almost see a smiley face out of those stars there."  you say.
After staring above silently in each other's presence with the sky being the only thing between you, Jungkook sighs. "You're the brightest star in my sky." he says.
You smile, "That's sappy."
"I know.. I don't care. I wish I could give all the stars to you." Jungkook says.

Jungkook loves you so deeply, he's always observing and admiring the little things you do. He takes note in how much you seem to adore the niche of staring up at the sky and stargazing, so he wishes he could give the stars to you. Even if it's stupid, he would give you the universe if he could. Any form of love that Jungkook could gift to you other than himself, he wants to give it to you so desperately. Give you the love you deserve.

"Did you hear that? Jungkook just said that y/n is the brightest star in his sky!" Jimin whisper-yells to Namjoon. "She really changed him for the better.. made Jungkook a whole softie." Namjoon smiles, watching Jungkook listen to you ramble about how much you love the galaxy. Jungkook stares at you in awe. "He really loves her." Namjoon adds.
"Correction, they really love each other." Jimin says.

Interrupting your calm night sky stargazing, car headlights enter the corner of your vision, interrupting the dark. You all turn your heads to look at the car that is pulling into your campsite.
Taehyung and Hoseok hop out of the car, a big white bag in each hand. "We got marshmallows!" they cheer in unison, smiling from ear to ear as they walk over to the campfire. You all clap at their arrival. "Finally!" Jin groans, Yoongi laughs.

"I bet I can roast a better marshmallow than you." you smirk.
Jungkook cocks an eyebrow, "Is that a challenge?".
"Maybe.. what if it was?" you reply.
"Well I'd obviously win." Jungkook says.
"No, I'd win." you say.

5 minutes later..

"Oh fuck." you stare at Jungkook's perfect golden-brown marshmallow as he pulls his stick away from the fire. "Well? How'd you do?" Jungkook asks. You pull your marshmallow out of the flames to reveal a a completely burnt black marshmallow.
Jungkook fakes a sympathetic pout, "Awh, isn't that a shame?" he teases, eyeing his perfect creation.
"Y/N, you expected to beat a chef in a marshmallow cooking competition?" Namjoon chuckles. You continue to frown in defeat until Jungkook's stick along with its marshmallow is placed in front of your face. "You can have it, I like the burnt parts anyways." Jungkook says, trading his marshmallow for yours.
The corners of your mouth lift into a grin, as if you're a little kid who's just received candy. "Thank you!"

Taking a bite into the marshmallow and hum at the sweetness of the soft treat. It's crispy on the outside, gooey and warm on the inside. "This is a masterpiece." you say in awe. Jungkook chuckles, tolerating your charcoal marshmallow.

"Goodnight, love." Jungkook whispers. You turn to face him on your inflatable mattress, smiling. "Goodnight."
He moves closer to you and places a warm peck on your forehead before lying on his back. You do the same, staring at the ceiling of your tent and looking through the sheer part of it.
The sky is pitch black, but you're still able to see some parts of it."You're looking at the stars, aren't you?" Jungkook says, you chuckle, "Yeah."

Waking up to the movement of Jungkook tossing and turning beside you, you lift your hand to cover the light that's peering through the tent.
"What... is that noise." Jungkook grumbles.
"Sounds like a bird." you reply, listening to the repetitive high-pitched nature call. The sound continues to ring around and around in your ears until you're unable to bear it.

Jungkook steps out of the tent, rubbing his eyes. "Did we have to get a tent beside a forest? What is that bird?" he mindlessly asks, speaking to himself as his gaze scans the trees.
"Whippoorwill." A speaking tent responds.
Jungkook turns his head, "What?"
The tent unzips to reveal Namjoon, holding a nature book. "Those birds are whippoorwills, if you listen closely their call sounds just like their name."

"So we just have to deal with it?" Jungkook asks. "Of course we do, dumbass. What are we gonna do? Tell the birds to stop?" Jin responds, sticking his head out of the tent.

"Maybe it's karma for forcing us to listen to your sex noises yesterday." Yoongi quietly remarks from his tent, Hoseok's giggling quietly after.
Jungkook crosses his arms, "We can hear you."
"I didn't know that, but I stand by what I said." Yoongi replies from his closed tent.

"What if we got a head start on beach day?" Namjoon suggests. "If we get there now, we'll have the entire beach to ourselves." he says, a sly grin growing on his lips.

authors note: thank you for all the support on this story! make sure to vote if you're enjoying it, i hope you are if you've made it this far!! have a great day:)

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