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"What's going on here?..." Namjoon asks, slowly stepping into the room.
"Nothing. I was just fixing Jungkook's collar." you say. Jungkook nods, his hands in his pockets. Namjoon lifts a finger, pointing, "Jungkook's looking at the floor. He only does that when he's feeling shy, embarrassed, looking at a girls' boobs or lying."
"I'm embarrassed! It just looked like I was making moves on our employee, which I would never do." Jungkook lies, purposely looking up from the floor at an attempt to prove his innocence.
"Yeah, I was just on a date with another guy. Nothing is happening here, Namjoon." you chime in, reassuring the paranoid manager. He takes a deep breath.

"Fine. But if I suspect anything else ever again..." Namjoon says. He tilts his head and lifts his eyebrows, giving both you and Jungkook a look that speaks for itself. "Yes, yes, we get it." Jungkook says.
"Alright. I'll leave you two to continue fixing each other's collars or whatever." Namjoon leaves, closing the door behind him.

Jungkook walks to the door and peeps outside of it, making sure Namjoon is gone. He turns back around to face you. "I think we should take things slow."

You immediately pout at his words, walking towards him and wrapping your arms back around his neck.
"Jungkook.." you purr sweetly, smiling up at him. He smiles as well, looking up and away from you.
"You can't do this to me right now.. your clothes.." he lightly inhales through his nose, "..that perfume.."

You laugh, "I forgot you've only seen me in my waitress uniform." you say. You take a couple steps back, opening your arms and spinning around to showcase your outfit.

Jungkook grins at you, "Pretty."
You smile back, "Thank you."

He continues gazing at you silently in awe, eyes slightly crinkled and the corners of his lips gently lifted.
"What are you, shy now?" you tease.
"Shut up." Jungkook smiles, turning around to leave. You take his hand to continue walking with him.
"Nope, we can't be doing any of this when others are around." Jungkook says, raising your hand in his and shaking it in front of your face. "I know, I know." you frown as you let go of his hand.

"Well? Should I just go home now? I have no reason to stay." you say.
"Yeah, go get rest. I'll see you in...." Jungkook looks to his watch, "Six hours!" he smiles innocently at you. You groan. "At least I have something to look forward to at work now." you say.
Jungkook scoffs, "I don't." he rolls his eyes, jokingly.
"Yeah, we'll definitely see that when I come back to work and you constantly follow me around to 'observe my work ethic'."

You go home and Jungkook continues working at the diner, after changing back into his usual tuxedo and apron of course.


your plan worked perfectly




You lie back onto your bed, staring at the ceiling in satisfaction of how everything played out. Suddenly, vibration from your phone ripples through your sheets.

Incoming call...

[accept]                   decline

"Mr.Kim! Hi!" you say into your phone.
"Y/N, I haven't heard from you since the day the others took over.. how's it been?" Jin, the former head chef asks from the other end of the line.
"There was a rocky start but Jungkook is really getting the hang of it. They're all doing amazing, they're a great team." you say.
Jin pauses, "...Jungkook?... you mean, Mr.Jeon." he corrects you.


"Right, sorry, Mr.Jeon."
"Y/N, why are you speaking informally of him? He's the head chef." Jin sternly asks, suspicion clear in his tone.
"The six others all call him Jungkook so I slip up sometimes from hearing it so often, sorry." you force a chuckle. It's incredibly difficult lying to Mr.Kim since you had never done it in the five years you worked under his wing, luckily this conervastiom isn't face to face.

"Huh. Alright. Anyways, what do you mean there was a rocky start?" Jin asks, moving on.
"Well Mr.Jeon wasn't as organized as he should've been up until a few days ago, but he was going through a rough patch—."
"Why? What rough patch?" Jin pries.
"I don't know. He doesn't tell me personal things." you say, your heart aching more with each fib that slips through your lips.

I AM the rough patch.

"Good, he shouldn't." Jin says. You laugh, "Loosen up, Mr.Kim! You're usually so goofy and easy-going, what's gotten into you?" you ask.
"I'm just kidding around, teasing you. I guess it's difficult to read tone over the phone." Jin says. "Anyways, I'm old so I'm going to be getting to bed. You should too soon since I assume you have another shift starting in only a few hours." Jin says.
"You bet!" you say with way too much enthusiasm, expressing sarcasm.

"I'm glad to hear that overall things are going well. Shoot me a text whenever, y/n. Goodnight."

You quickly hang up, heaving a deep breath and putting your phone face down after doing so. You rub your face with both hands, "That was stressful."

Jin/Mr.Kim's POV


i just spoke with y/n over the phone

I can tell smth is up

keep an eye on her and kook

i KNEW something was up

i'll let u know if anything happens

jk literally punched a dude
today for her but i think
that was because he was like

threatening her

  still!! keep an eye out
for those two

you know how jungkook
is with girls. and y/n is sweet

yes yes ik

dw 👁 will keep an 👁 out

get it? 👁?

👁 hate you

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