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"What? Do you want the ring back so you can sell it when this place falls to the ground?" Nina scoffs.

"Funny you think this place will fail, since you were begging to become a shareholder of it just a month or two ago. I don't care what you do with that ring, just get it off your finger." Jungkook raises his voice.

Nina snickers, walking towards him with slow steps.
"Are you sure you still want to break off the engagement?..." she places a gentle hand on his chest, "I don't think that'll make your parents too happy, dear." She says, sliding her hand down his muscular torso. Jungkook grabs her wrist.
"Positive. Now leave ." he sternly says.

"What are you gonna do to make me leave? You can't hit a woman." Nina chuckles sneakily.
"I can." you say, smiling sarcastically at her.
"You're just a poor little waitress." Nina scoffs.
"A poor little waitress that was raised by a single dad, three older brothers and taught self defence to teens as a side job for four years." you say. Nina gulps, her blinks becoming frantic. She turns around to leave, spitting on the floor before walking away.

"Thanks for coming to Kim's diner!" you call out, the door chiming as she leaves. "I'll clean that." you say, gesturing to the spit on the floor, looking for a washcloth.

Jungkook walks over to Jimin, leaning down to whisper in his ear, "That was hot." he says, referring to what you had just did. He clears his throat at an attempt to act casual.
"Get your dick back in your pants. It's time for business." Jimin whispers in reply, watching as you clean up Nina's spit.
"So I really can't date her? Like 100% guaranteed can't?" Jungkook asks, Jimin rolls his eyes.
"No, Jungkook! With the contract you signed, it's illegal! And imagine how it would look to the public. Jin built this place a squeaky clean reputation and we have to respect that." Jimin says.

As the realization settles in that Jungkook really can't date you because of the diner's moral and legal terms, anger fuels from the pit of his stomach. His fists tense up, knuckles gradually turning white.

He's never had to give up a girl he's wanted before.

"Well, that was our first full day, guys!" Jungkook calls out. Everyone cheers, clapping. Jungkook looks to his watch, "It's 12 AM, so whoever's shift just ended can leave." he says. You walk to your coat hook, grabbing your sweater and phone, getting ready to leave.

Your eyes close and you cover your mouth as you yawn, heading towards the exit. You walk into a broad chest. "Where do you think you're going?"

You tilt your head up to find Jungkook looking down at you. You quickly step away. "What do you mean?"
He taps his pen on his clipboard, the schedule with your name persistently written on it. "I signed you up for the next two shifts."
"What?! You can't..." you pause, cutting your own sentence short, "...well I guess you can do that, but why?! I've been here the past 24 hours!" you exclaim, frowning.
"I'm your boss, and I've made that decision." he says.
"But—." as you're about to continue arguing, Jungkook walks away from you, leaving you a whining mess.

"God damnit." you grumble, stomping your way back to your coat hook and putting your uniform back on.

"Y'know, I never thought anyone could look good in an apron." Jungkook says, leaning on a counter next to Yoongi and Hoseok.
"Who? Y/N?" Hoseok asks pointing to you, who's taking an order behind the cashier's counter.
"Yeah." Jungkook says, sipping his second coffee, one he had also forced you to make.
"Why is she even here, didn't her shift end, like, 3 hours ago?" Yoongi turns to Jungkook, he nods. "I signed her up for extra time." Jungkook says.

"Well how long has she been working?" Hoseok asks.
"27 hours and counting."
"What?!" Yoongi and Hoseok gawk in unison.
"What? What's going on?" Namjoon asks, his steps slowing down as he passes by the three men.
"Y/N has been working for 27 fucking hours!" Hoseok quietly exclaims.
"What?! Holy shit, she isn't our hostage!" Namjoon says, gently slapping Jungkook's shoulder.
"Don't worry, I let her text her dad where she is every few hours so they know she's okay." Jungkook says.

And that's how it was for you for days. Working tirelessly for what felt like endless shifts, spending more time at work than home.

"Mr.Jeon, please can I get a day off?" You beg as you had pulled him aside to talk to him, "I'm exhausted." you say, lifting a hand to your pounding headache.
"No. Go make me another coffee then take a ten minute break." Jungkook walks away before you can speak up for yourself.
When he's far enough away, you let out a heavy, tired groan, slumping against the wall to sit on the floor. You hold your head in your hands, contemplating why you took this job 5 years ago.

You feel someone gently kick your slumping form, "Hey, what's wrong?" they ask. You look up from the floor to find Jimin smiling down at you.
"Jungkook. Or— Mr.Jeon. He's driving me crazy." you say. Jimin sits on the floor next to you.
"What do you mean?"
"He keeps doing this thing where he extends my shifts and walks away before I can say anything. I haven't gone one day without staying here for at least 12 hours in a row." You say, Jimin's eyebrows furrow in concern.
"Why would he do that?... do you hate him for it?" Jimin asks.

You sigh.

"I want to hate him. I want to so badly, Jimin. But then there will be a sweet spot where I'm on break and he'll pass by me while spectating the diner.. it'll be like, 4 AM; and we'll just.. talk. And just from that one conversation It's like I can forgive Jungkook for everything, even though he's an asshole." you say.

"Hm. So you get along well?" Jimin asks.
"Definitely. We'll be talking and making each other laugh like we've known each other forever. God, he can make me laugh so hard.. But then he says, 'Y/N. Go make me a coffee and get back to work. I gave you two extra shifts' and my heart sinks.. still I can't bring myself to hate him." you say.

"Wait. So you like, actually have intellectual conversation with him?" Jimin pries.
"Yeah. We've been getting to know each other a lot. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy his company. But not 12 to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I think I've developed chronic back pain." you joke, rubbing your back.
"Well, I'll speak with him for you. Good talk, y/n." Jimin stands up, brushing himself off and heading off to find Jungkook.
You find yourself puzzled by Jimin's sudden departure, but you aren't complaining if it means you have extra time to yourself.

"Jungkook! You can't just treat y/n like a bitch because you're not allowed to date her!" Jimin says, shoving him. Jungkook shoots Jimin a sharp glare before sighing and pulling him off into a closed area.

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