twenty-eight. a wedding

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Your eyes look over the maid-of-honor dress, spinning with a smile across your lips. The wedding band and engagement rings on your ring finger glitter when the warm lighting catch them. The dress is not exactly your style but then again you'd never comment on the brides choices. A small smile rests on your lips but you jump in surprise at the sound of a crashing noise in the living room.

Lifting the floor-length gown you hurry out of your bedroom. Your heels click against the floorboards and you walk into the living room with worry in your heart. "What-",you stop abruptly when you notice one of your portraits is on the ground. The glass has been shattered and a BB pellet rests beside the broken photograph.

Placing your hands on your hips and raising a brow you look to the two sitting on the couch. Angel Dust's mismatched eyes are wide and so are Angela's e/c ones. In her small hands she holds the BB gun that Angel Dust had bought her for her birthday.

"She did it!",Angel says while shoving the little girl off his lap and pointing at her.

Angela pouts as she sits up in her pretty white dress, brushing back her red hair you put into two pigtails. "Angel!",she shouts in a tiny voice while pointing to the spider. Angel looks to her and grabs her round cheeks, pinching them with a small frown on his face. She tries to swat him away with giggles, the BB gun tossed aside.

"Ey didn't I tell you snitches get stitches.",he warns while pinching her cheeks.

You laugh lightly and walk over, swatting away Angel. "Alright alright-you're gonna mess up her hair!",you scold while nudging the tall spider aside. Angela looks past you and to Angel, sticking her tongue out at him which he swiftly returns with a middle finger. Of course you don't notice this and you pick up the little girl.

"Now you know you can't do target practice in the house, my love.",you say in a soft tone while kissing her red cheek and fixing a few misplaced hairs. She smiles and nods while grabbing your cheeks and planting a kiss against your crinkled nose. Holding her on your hip you turn to Angel and hand her to him. "Clean up this mess both of you. I'll fetch Alastor we should be leaving soon."

"Gotcha, tits.",Angel says while holding Angela in his arms,"Come on, you little rodent. I'll sneak you some candy later."

"Yay!",Angela exclaims happily while clapping her hands.

You smile and shake your head, after two years it's really no use in asking Angel to watch his manners around the little girl.

A soft laugh leaves your lips as you walk over the broken photo and make your way towards Angela's room. Alastor having been in there to get dressed on his own-the suit he was gifted as the best man something he refused to let you see until the very last second.

Knocking softly on the door you smile and await a response. "My love we have to get going. We still have some duties before the ceremony.",you say while pressing your hand against the door. For a few moments there is just silence, then you hear those tapping footsteps and the door opens.

Your jaw drops and your eyes widen. Alastor hangs his head and the pink frilly suit is bright against his dark color palette. A hand goes over your mouth and Alastor slowly raises his gaze to meet yours. He grits his teeth and puts up a hand. "Do. Not. Laugh.",he says with a deadly serious tone.

He exhales heavily while you toss your head back and hug your stomach, bursting out into loud and roaring laughter. "We're not going.",Alastor says through clenched teeth while covering his flushed face with his hand. You laugh while grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the bedroom, a big smile across your face and tears glossing in your eyes.

"N-No we have to!",you exclaim while slowly easing your laughter. Soft giggles and chuckles leave your lips as you reach out and gently fix his pink bowtie with frills on it. "I told you you shouldn't have told that story at their rehearsal dinner. Vaggie is one wrathful woman.",you giggle while gently cupping his cheek.

"I look absolutely horrendous.",he comments while frowning at you.

A soft gasp makes both of you turn. Angela stops in the hallway, her eyes wide and glittering at the sight of Alastor. "Princess!",she exclaims before running towards him. You smile as Alastor picks up Angela at the request of her grabby hands. "Pretty papa!",Angela exclaims while grabbing his face and pulling him in. She plants a kiss against his nose with a big awestruck smile.

"Somebody doesn't think you look so horrendous.",you comment while Angela plays with the frills. The little girl one to love pink and everything girly due to Charlie and Angel's influence.

Alastor smiles softly while leaning in and kissing Angela's forehead. He looks to you and plants a soft kiss against your temple. "Then I guess I look rather extraordinary if my little girl loves it.",Alastor comments while gently pinching her chubby cheek. His eyes hold nothing but love and adoration-the same thing they hold when looking at you.

But a flash makes you flinch, followed by the sound of Angel cackling. "Holy shit you look ridiculous!" You place a hand on Alastor's shoulder when he tries to step towards him. His radio dial eyes turn to you and you lean in, planting a soft kiss against his lips.

"You can hurt him-not lethally-after the wedding.",you say with tenderness. Alastor sighs heavily but smile while rolling his eyes.

"As you wish, mon coeur.",he says.

"Now come on let's go.",you say while taking Angela from his arms,"Uncle Husker is already a grumpy grump downstairs so we better hurry."

Alastor watches as you chatter with Angela, Angel still cackling while walking with the two of you. The radio demon breathes out deeply while looking down at the wedding band around his ring finger. Swallowing hard he fights off the tears in his eyes. He has no idea how he came to be so blessed with the love of his life and his own loving daughter.

Sometimes Alastor thinks he might wake up in bed alone, still wondering if you're okay or if you ever really loved him. He feels like this is all some sick dream and that he'll wake up in tears on the verge of death. His eyes squeeze shut and he tries to breathe deeply, trying to calm his overwhelming feelings down.

Angel walks on ahead, chattering with Charlie on the phone but you pause not sensing Alastor behind you. You turn around with Angela in your arms. A pang hits your heart seeing Alastor standing in the hall with his fists balled at his sides and eyes shut.

Angela turns to you. "Papas sad. Kiss 'n hug?",she says in a soft voice and you nod with a sweet smile. Setting her down and letting her hurry over to Alastor.

"Papa." Alastor opens his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks. His trembling hands loosen up at the sight of Angela gently tugging his pant leg. She then makes grabby hands at him, a sweet smile on her lips. The red demon crouches down and picks up the little girl. Her tiny and chubby arms wrap around his neck immediately.

Alastor hugs her with his eyes squeezing shut and more tears rolling down his cheeks. Angela pulls away and Alastor chuckles bittersweetly when she wipes away his tears. She plants a kiss against his nose and smiles. "I love you, papa." His bottom lip trembles and he nods while planting a kiss against her forehead.

"I love you too, my sweet.",Alastor says shakily.

His eyes look up to see you making your way over. Your arms wrap around him and Angela, leaning in close you plant a soft kiss against his lips. Your soft hands wiping at the tears that roll down his cheeks. When you pull away, you gently nod. "I love you, Alastor. This is real and nothing will ever pull us apart again...okay, ma moitié?"

An intense warmth and comfort blankets over Alastor and he nods. Fully calm and no longer shaking. He breathes out deeply while looking from a smiling Angela to you. This is real. He's finally happy and he's finally living the dream he's always held in his heart. With his loving daughter and loving wife-he has never felt more at peace and more safe than he has in his entire existence.

He's finally home.

"And I love you, Y/N."

The End.

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