three. undying love

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The beds in the hotel were probably the softest and most comfortable things you have ever had the privilege of sleeping on.

You stir with a soft groan in the bed and roll onto your back. The blankets and bedding provide comfort and warmth. Leaving the huge bed is the last thing you want to do but Charlie was excited to do some activities today. So with reluctance and a soft groan you sit up.

Sir Pentious had some of the Egg Bois bring over your two suitcases during dinner yesterday. Surprisingly enough they got here in one piece with both of your suitcases and the contents inside. You praised them highly and they giddily went back home.

Thinking of the serpent while you walk to the bathroom you hope you'll have time to visit him today. Never one to like the new age telephones you have no means of contacting him.

You wonder what Charlie has in store for today. She seemed very excited at dinner, claiming she finally can do all the things she's been dying to do. For some reason the topic of conversation upset Angel so much he left in a huff. When you tried to go after him Vaggie stopped you.

Angel Dust seems...troubled to say the least.

Vaggie had told you about the pink jumping spider. An adult film star who also works as a prostitute and erotic dancer. It didn't necessarily catch you off guard considering his attire to say the least. Not as if you were ever one to judge someone but it was a bit obvious.

The moth demon also spoke of Angel in a bit of an irritated manner. A scowl on her pretty face throughout the entire conversation about him. Charlie, however, seemed to speak about him in a hopeful way. But she did speak about him as if he were a child.

"Not that I plan to behave that way but what does happen if I do something not of the rules?"

The punishments Charlie listed were laughable—childish. Timeouts and no internet. Truth be told you had to fight off laughter. You hope Charlie doesn't treat you the way she seems to treat Angel. Like a bad child who stole a dollar from the rainy day jar. You're a grown woman after all.

But you can't help but think of the expression on Angel's face while Charlie was praising you for joining at the hotel. He looked almost...hurt? Sad? Maybe a bit angry.

You wonder why Angel is even here at the hotel. He doesn't seem to care for getting better or redeeming himself. With a shake of your thoughts you figure you can just ask the spider later on.

But a little part of you feels like he's not going to be the easiest to talk to.

As with everything else about the hotel the shower is absolutely phenomenal and you're soon making your way out of your room. Dressed up and ready for the day as you usually are every day. Although what's not so normal about today is the way your body is aching from that fall you took.

Walking down the length red and accented gold corridors your mind wanders off for a few moments. Thinking about nothing and everything all together. But you look up at the end of the hall and notice Angel leaving his room.

He's dressed down in casual clothing, Fat Nuggets in his arms with a leash in his hand and purse on his shoulder.

"Hello, Angel." His mismatched eyes look to you in surprise when you approach him. He looks to you giving a small smile at Fat Nuggets. "And hello to you too, Fat Nuggets." Your eyes shift back to his and you tilt your head curiously. "Are you joining the activities Charlie has planned today?"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Fuck no. I don't have time for that bullshit." You don't know what you expected but that wasn't it. "So what? You're really here to be redeemed or whatever the fuck she yaps about?"

𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐒 || 𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant