twenty-one. guilt

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trigger warning for talk of homophobia,
racism, hate crimes, and sexual assault.
btw this chapter made me
so sad as a lesbian bipoc.


Alastor has no idea why this is happening. Why you're being redeemed. He's being scouring book after book on the workings of Hell and Heaven but still he has no idea
what the hell is happening. But he doesn't want to leave your side, just in case you leave or discover you're being redeemed. You lay fast asleep in his arms, face against his chest with your arms bunched against your chest. Alastor holds the hundredth book he's reading since you ran off to confront Seviathan.

Now that he doesn't have to worry about that urchin anymore he can focus on this problem at hand.

But he can't find anything that could point to redemption being possible.

Once God damns a human then that's it. They remain in Hell for all of eternity or until they're cleansed by the Exterminators. A damned soul cannot possibly be redeemed since they made their choices while alive, Hell is there punishment. So is the difficulty in killing themself and the impossibility of ever having children while in Hell—these are punishments that the worst on Earth have to face once they die.

There is no undoing what has been done so how are you undoing it! It makes no sense and nothing is even giving Alastor a hint of how you're being redeemed. "Al...",you mumble softly. Alastor blinks back and with a wave of his hand the book disappears. He internally curses for not remembering the page he finished off one.

"Yes, mon coeur?",he asks in a soft voice. You pull your face away from his chest and rub your eyes, a groggy and ditzy expression on your pretty face. He smiles at how absolutely adorable you look. Blinking back softly you cup his cheek and crinkle your nose.

"You're so something the matter?",you ask with worry in your sleepy voice.

As Alastor looks at you he decides maybe he's going about this the wrong way. Maybe it's something from your life that's giving you the possible chance of redemption. Maybe if he asks the others about their living world existence he can figure out what makes you so special that you're proving the existence and possibility of redemption.

He leans close and plants a soft kiss against your forehead. You smile when he does this. "I'm fine, I seem to have forgotten something with, Husker. I'll be back shortly." He slowly pulls himself away from you and you look at him with a nod and smile that shifts into a yawn.

"Mmkay...",you mumble before turning and pulling the pillow that Alastor laid on close to you. Alastor sighs softly before turning away and leaving your hotel room. Once he shuts the door behind him, he's dressed in his everyday attire, out of his pajamas and as proper looking at he usually is.

Something else bugs Alastor and that's the fact that he doesn't know how you died. You don't even know how you died, maybe that could be another factor that plays into why you're being redeemed.

Alastor's death was one he didn't like to think of. Hiding a body during hunting season and being attacked by some rednecks dog only for that old and senile redneck to confuse him for a deer and put a bullet between his eyes.

What a cartoonish death that makes Alastor grit his teeth just thinking about.

When he reaches the lobby he's both relieved and a bit sour to see that Vaggie is sitting at the bar. She's doing paperwork that's spread across the wooden top, the warm lights from the bar illuminating a portion of the room. He sighs deeply and swallows all of his pride while walking up to the princesses girlfriend.

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