Chapter 19

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Timmy's POV:

3 weeks later:

Every day. Every day for these past three weeks, me and Sienna have done something together. Whether it was something as simple as a board game or if it was us going out to dinner together. Every single day, we were together, and I liked it. She probably hated every moment of it. She's probably throwing a freaking party right now since I told her I'm busy today. She hates spending time with me. More specifically, she hates me. But I don't feel the same.

Today, I was supposed to go to Aiden's to play video games, hence why I told Sienna I was busy. Aiden just called and canceled on me. Said he now has a lacrosse game or whatever. And here I am, sitting on my bed, doing absolutely nothing. I don't think I've ever been more bored.

I grab my phone and before I can even try to talk myself out of what I'm about to do, I type a quick message to Sienna telling her to "come over" and I send it.

I expect her not to answer. Better yet, I expect her to leave me on read. But she doesn't. Not even a minute later, she responds.

T: come over

S: thought you were busy

T: not anymore

T: so... you'll be here in 5?

S: no

T: what do you mean no

S: i'm not sure how else to phrase it

T: what?

S: nope

S: no thanks

S: definitely not

S: NO!

S: never in a million years

T: ok i get it

S: good

T: sure you don't wanna come over?

S: positive

S: you know why?

T: why

S: because you're gonna come over to my house

T: seriously?! ugh you are so annoying

She leaves me on read, but that's okay. I laugh as I put my shoes on and head out to my car.

When I get to her house, I walk up to the door and knock on it. Not even five seconds later, there she is. Sienna is on the other side in front of me flashing her beautiful smile. It makes me beyond happy knowing I'm the one who's causing it.

"Torubarov, welcome."

"Kornhaber," I reply while walking inside.

"So, what do you wanna do," she asks nonchalantly.

"We could watch a movie," I suggest. "Make some popcorn, too."

"Alright, I'll go get started on the popcorn. You can pick the movie. But if you choose one you know I don't like, I'll hate you more than I already do now," she says, and I can't tell if she was joking or not when she said that last part.

I take a seat on the couch after grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. I go to Netflix and choose the movie "Flipped" since I know Sienna hasn't seen it yet.

After the popcorn is done, Sienna comes over and sits next to me on the couch.

Neither of us actually pay attention to the movie as it plays. Sienna is making jokes the entire time, and as a result, all I'm doing is laughing.

I'm bewildered by how much fun I'm having with this girl.

"Hey, Kornhaber?" I ask.

"What's up?" she responds.

What am I doing?

"Never mind. It's nothing."

"C'mon, Torubarov. You know better than anyone else I don't like people stopping mid-sentence."

She's right. I do know that.

Sienna has the strongest effect on me out of anyone I've ever met. She's constantly consuming my thoughts. Sometimes to the point where she's all I ever think about. I find myself smiling and laughing around her all the time. I've enjoyed these past weeks much more than I thought was possible. I could be near her 24/7 and I would never get bored. I can't seem to get enough of her.

I sigh and roll my eyes tiredly before saying, "Mne kazhetsya ya lyublyu tebya."

I don't miss the confusion on her face as I get up from the couch and walk out the door. 

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