Chapter 2

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Sienna's POV:

I would never condone violence. Ever. I know that it is very wrong to want to purposely harm someone. But saying that I want to drown Mr. Fahey in a fiery pit of lava would be an understatement.

Why? is what I'm continuously asking myself after hearing this repulsive information. What did I do to deserve this? What did I ever do to deserve getting paired up with Lucifer himself for this stupid psych project?

Today was supposed to be a good day. I scored higher than Timmy on our last psych test. Today was supposed to be another day full of bragging and taunting him. But no. Of course something had to go wrong. And that something was, as mentioned earlier, Mr. Fahey.

I practically sashayed into psych class today. Scoring higher than your high school rival tends to have that effect on a person. I kept a large grin plastered on my face as I sat in my seat and turned to face Timmy. When he noticed me staring at him, he immediately turned away. Sore loser. My cheerful attitude didn't go unnoticed by Maddie while we were talking until Mr. Fahey was ready to start the lesson. Mr. Fahey sat up from his brown leather chair and made his way to the whiteboard. He reached for a purple EXPO marker and uncapped it. I've come to notice that purple is most likely Mr. Fahey's favorite color as it's the one he uses nearly every day.

I watched carefully as he wrote on the whiteboard, expecting another boring lesson in which we had to take notes on. Oh, how I wish it was just another boring lesson. He moved away from the whiteboard and I was now able to read what it said it big purple letters: NEW PROJECT

At this very moment, I was thrilled. Projects in Mr. Fahey's class were rare, so I always enjoyed when he would assign them to us, especially projects where we got to choose who we worked with. It's no surprise that Maddie was my go-to choice every time.

It felt as if this was the best day ever. I was overwhelmed with excitement. But that excitement quickly faded after he grabbed a sheet of paper from his desk and started reading the assigned members of each group.

"Group one will consist of Hannah, Grace I, Garrett G., and Logan," Mr. Fahey declared.

"Group two will be Allie H., Sabrina, Dean, and Tucker."

He continued to announce the groups until the only people who haven't been called were me, Maddie, Aiden, Timmy, and 4 other students.

"Group 5 is Summer, Brenna, Colin, and Jake."

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you actually fucking kidding me?!

"And finally, Group 6 will consist of Sienna, Maddie, Aiden, and Timmy."

Before I even had the chance to protest against this horrid situation, Mr. Fahey spoke first.

"These groups are final and I will not be accepting any complaints. If you are unable to work effectively with the groups I placed you in, you will receive a zero for this project."

His eyes flicker between me and Timmy before he asks, "Does everyone understand?"

I roll my eyes before nodding once.

I hate everything.

The only thing keeping me sane right now is the fact that I'm also with Maddie for this project. Aiden is in our group too, but hopefully he will demonstrate usefulness by being a temporary distraction for Timmy.

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