Chapter 13

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Sienna's POV:

I woke up today feeling more excited than I should, considering it's a school day. It didn't even feel like one, though, since the only thing on my mind was the fact that today was the final day of this project.

School flies by extremely quickly, and before I know it, all of us are already at the mental institution. Timmy, like always, will be observing Alise just like Aiden, as always, will be observing Sophia. Both me and Maddie will be observing Luna today since Lexi was transferred to another institution.

When Maddie and I arrive at the room Luna is normally held in, we notice that she isn't there. I look around and see a worker only a few feet away from us with his back turned to face the wall. I start approaching him as he turns and I see that he's on the phone. I continue walking until I hear him say, "Yeah, she got mauled to death by a bear while trying to escape. Mhm, patient's name was Luna Han."

"Wait, Luna's dead?" I ask immediately.

"Yup. Kicked the bucket, met her maker, ate dirt, took a permanent trip six feet under, went past her sell-by date. A retroactive abortion, if you must. However you wanna phrase it, she's dead as hell."

Wow. I can't believe Luna's dead. She was so... so... and when she... and... I loved that she... also...yeah.

May she rest in small, tiny, noticeably below average size pieces.

Timmy's POV:

Not much was learned today at the mental institution. I was hoping the last day would be the best day, but it's whatever.

Luna apparently died while trying to escape the mental hospital, so that's the only update we had for her. Lexi is obviously long gone. Alise just gave me the same information as last time, so that was no help.

The only useful information came from Sophia, since her dream has had so many new events added to it. Sophia started off by telling me how she and Libby adopted two more cats, Edward and Niki, as well as a dog named Libphia. Sophia includes the fact that Libby now works at a bakery with some kid named Harry Styles, and how Sophia has a job as a janitor. Using all the money Sophia earned from being a janitor, she mentions how she bought some new clothes. Unfortunately, not long after this happened, Libby caught Sophia cheating on her with Ben Harmon! When Libby exited the bakery she works at, she saw Sophia and Ben holding hands while crossing the street. Libby couldn't believe what she was seeing. When both Libby and Sophia got home, Libby offered to cook for her. She went down to the basement of their cottage and grabbed a lamb from out of the mini fridge. When she arrived back upstairs, Sophia was on her phone, not paying attention. Before Sophia even had the chance to look up from her screen and scream for help, Libby whacked her over the head with the frozen lamb. Sophia collapsed and died not long after. Sophia is now traumatized from these events that occurred in her dreams and will be staying in the mental institution for at least another thirty years.

After discussing the little information we gathered today, we decided to quickly finalize everything before heading home. I was already halfway out the door of the institution when I heard Maddie say to Sienna, "Text me when you get home, okay?"

Sienna just nodded as I continued walking towards my car. I watched as Sienna got into her car and I drove off. I can't wait to get home.

45 minutes later:

I'm about to sit at my desk to read for a bit until I hear the buzzing of my phone coming from my pocket. I pull out my phone and notice that Maddie's calling me. What the hell could she want? To find an answer to my question, I pick up.

"Hello?" I ask tiredly.


"No shit. Who else would it be? Also, you know we don't have to be in contact with each other anymore, right? I mean, we finished our project so technically there's no reason for-"

"Shut up," she interrupts.

"Wow," I say. "Thanks for cutting me off. I guess you and Sienna are more similar than I thought," I laugh to myself.

"Yeah, well that's why I'm calling you. It's about Sienna. I have a feeling that something may have happened to her."

My heart drops without me even realizing it.

"Why do you think that?" I ask quickly.

"Well, I told her to text me when she gets home, and she should definitely be home right now. And before you say anything, yes I've tried calling her. Multiple times."

"Ok, so why did you call me?" I question.

"I'm not quite sure, actually. I mean, I guess I was hoping you would help me look for her. It's not like you have anything important to do, anyway."

I'm about to argue, but I know she's not exactly wrong.

"Fine," I sigh. "Where do you wanna start looking?"

"I was thinking that I could search the area near her house, and you could search near the mental institution, if you don't mind."

"No, that's fine with me. Let me just put my shoes on and I'll get in my car to start looking."

"Sounds good. Thanks, Timmy," Maddie says sincerely.

"Not a problem," I respond with no sarcasm in my tone.

I'm almost positive that nothing's wrong. I mean, c'mon, this is Sienna we're talking about. She probably just crashed as soon as she got home. I wouldn't blame her. I'm really tired, as well.  

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