Chapter 18

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Sienna's POV:

It's been a month since the accident. I haven't gone back to school yet, but Timmy has. I practically forced him to go back. When I was released from the hospital, Timmy was constantly by my side. I thought I would get annoyed by it but it was actually... nice? I'm not sure why he's been helping me out, though. He hates me. My best guess is that Maddie threatened him to help me since she's unable to. Maddie and her family have been in Disney World for almost a week now, and they're not coming home for a few more days.

Luckily, the only injury I received from the car accident was a concussion. I have no broken arms, legs, fingers, etc. I'm recovering pretty quickly, and I should be able to go out in a few days.

Timmy has been much nicer to me lately, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say he actually wants to help me. But I'm not stupid.

A week later:

I'm about to get out of bed to get a snack when I see I got a text from Timmy. I texted him yesterday telling him that I was now able to go out places, just in case he cared.

He hasn't been over in three days, which is strange considering he usually comes by at least once a day.

T: hi

S: what

T: do you wanna meet up?

S: why?

T: idk

S: yes you do

T: no

S: I think you miss me

T: no

S: are you sure

S: ??

S: weak. are you coming over or not?

T: oh my god

T: yes


10 days later

T: wanna meet me?

S: k

T: sooo yes or no?

S: k

T: I hate you

S: no you don't

T: yes, i do

S: i'll be at your house soon

T: can't wait

S: fuck off


8 days later

T: come over?

S: i came over yesterday where is your patience

T: ????

S: see you in 10


The next day

S: Yes?

T: Yes


4 days later

T: ?

S: !


Things with Timmy have been weird lately. Not a bad weird, but not necessarily a good weird either. Whatever rivalry we had going on seems to have stopped, but that doesn't change the fact that I know Timmy still hates me. I'm just not so certain I still hate him. 

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