Chapter one

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Raven's POV

These past few months has been pretty crazy for me I just went trough a break up my ex and I had been together over 5 years and we finally separated. I would have never imagined that we would go our separate ways but I'm not mad and neither is he we both checked out and our feeling faded making us realize we are better of as friends. For the past 3 months that's all we have literally been is best friends all of the romantic stuff went out the window and it sounds weird ,because how could two people who where madly in love suddenly become best friends. I don't know ,but the romance / sexual attraction had slowly dwindled as time went by. My ex is far from ugly, but I didn't feel pretty and didn't feel like I was enough I was insecure and it had nothing to do with him to be honest .

All my life I was picked on and ridiculed about my weight I'm a plus size girl and have been plus size all my life. My ex did make me feel pretty at some point in our relationship but the fire in our relationship died out and we both couldn't get it back. So here we are friends co existing he has moved back to his home state and I'm leaving mine. See he and I both did YouTube and streamed. With luck we both where financially stable do to this and I couldn't be happier I loved making content which is why I'm leaving the sunshine state and heading to the golden state a place I have never been to.

I'm honestly excited about this move. I'm renting a one bed room one bath studio apartment in LA it cost me $1,990 a month and it don't have a lot of square footage. The apartment is very modern and it was like a 10 minute drive from downtown LA. I put my tooth brush in my small travel bag that I was taking with me all my other stuff has been shipped to California and should be arriving in a few days I only a had a couple outfits in my carry on bag and my hygiene stuff. "You ready Raven" my mom said standing at the door. "Yes let me grab my purse and we can head out I don't wanna be late" I said snatching my MK purse of my bed we quickly made our way out the house and my mom locked the door. My father was already in the car since he was the one driving me two hours to the Orlando airport.

My flight leaves at 5 something and it's also 5 and half hour flight. We pulled up to the airport a 3:45 and i hopped out the car. My mother and father gave me goodbye hugs and my mom threatened me and said if I didn't call her when I landed she would fly to Cali and kill me stiff dead. I quickly checked in and made my way to TSA check since I had a carry on and didn't have to drop my bag. After making it through TSA it was 4:39 and I was sitting down waiting for then to let us board our flight. My anxiety was killing me and thank god I had acrylic nails on or my real nails would be non existent.

"Flight 504 to Los Angeles California is now boarding" someone said over the speakers. I put my luggage over my seat and sat down in my seat which happened to be the window seat and couple sat next to me and began to talk amongst themselves. They flight attendants did their thing and the pilot gave a us a quick speech and once everyone was buckled we where in the air by 5:37pm I put my head back against the seat letting my mind drift away.I was awaken by an announcement over the loud speaker. "Flight 504 will be landing soon please have your seat belts buckled" said the flight attendant.

I tuned the flight attendant out as my eyes wondered out the window I couldn't see much since it was getting dark. Walking out of the airport I was exhausted and ready to get to my apartment so I can rest and explore LA tomorrow. My flight had landed at 7:46pm LA time and that shit threw me off it would be 10 something in Florida. I looked around for my friend but I didn't see her.I pulled out my cellphone getting ready to send her a text when I heard someone call my name scaring me. "Omg hay jazzy boo!!" I said hugging her.

" I can't believe it your here in LA she says" releasing me from the hug . "Me either if seems so unreal" I said following her to the car where Dwayne jazzy's 4lifer /man sat in the driver seat. "Hello Dwayne nice to finally meet you in person " I greet him. " same to you and now that your here I don't have to pry my girl off the phone 24/7 do I ? " he said joking. Jazzy and I burst out laughing cause we stay on the phone or playing the game together. " No sir ,she is all yours" I say smirking at jazzy.

Unlocking my apartment door and dropping my bag onto the floor felt so good. The room apartment was cool and I couldn't wait to blow up this air mattress and go to sleep. See since I did the tour virtually jazzy helped me out a lot I signed my lease electronically and my keys where given to jazzy with my permission and she also picked up my air mattress that day so it's waiting for me. I quickly blew it up in my very empty bedroom and pulled my blanket out of my carry own along with some sleeping clothes I had my  "EEZY GANG" shirt which I ordered over sized (fit me like a tight dress) along with some boy shorts I took a 15 minute shower and dried off and put on my coco butter lotion and deodorant. Laying down on my air mattress I sent my mom a text letting her know I was okay , I didn't call cause it's late in Florida. The airport was only 30 minutes away from my apartment so I made it to my apartment at 8 something it's currently 9:13 and I could feel my body shutting down that's how tired it was.
Snuggling with my blanket I drifted off to sleep.

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