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The Day Before the Wedding of Armin & Annie

Anya woke up first, a piercing headache feeling like it was electricity running through her brain while her mouth felt like sandpaper. The morning light exacerbated the pain in her head as she pulled the covers over both her and Levi's heads before nuzzling her face in his hair once again. She breathed him in, the scent of his cologne mixed with his natural scent of soap, tea leaves, and mint was intoxicating. She smiled as she looked at him, his hair was a mess and he was still fully clothed - his shirt only had the top few buttons undone, showing his collarbones and the top of his chest. She was sure that aside from undoing his belt and kicking off his socks and shoes, he climbed into bed with her right away - as soon as she had demanded. She, too, was still clothed - something neither of them were used to when laying in bed with each other. She still had on the chiffon party dress from the night before, stockings, and a headband that complemented the beautiful dark green of her dress. Their legs were intertwined, their arms lay around each other, and in spite of her throbbing, piercing headache she was engulfed by a feeling of overwhelming safety as she laid there with him.

She sighed as she looked towards his eyes, long eyelashes highlighting how serene he looked curled up on her chest, his sharp features accentuating the softer details of his face so perfectly. She memorized every detail of this moment, from the messy bedhead to his slightly open lips, the sharpness of his jaw to the softness of his slightly chubby cheeks, those long eyelashes to the way his arms and legs wrapped into hers. Even his scent in that moment, she committed into her memory for fear it was just a dream. She couldn't imagine a more perfect person on this earth, and here he was, so vulnerable, so sweet, and right next to her. She had spent so long away from him, and she thought she'd never see this absolutely precious sight again - and yet, by some miracle, she got to enjoy this sight every morning. She only hoped she'd get to enjoy it every morning for the rest of her life.

She smiled as she noticed his eyelashes flutter as he woke, his grip on her tightening slightly, digging his fingers into her dress and skin as he opened his eyes and sighed sweetly. "Good morning," she whispered to him as she pressed their lips together softly. She started leaving a trail of kisses along his face, soft pecks to show how much she adored him.

"Good morning," he murmured between kisses, "Someone's not as hung over as I thought they'd be,"

She giggled as she stopped her gentle assault of kisses, and pulled him in close to her. "Oh no, I am," she reassured him, "The sun feels like death, everything hurts, and I'm pretty sure my brain is on fire,"

Levi let out a huff of air as a laugh and pressed a kiss onto her forehead. "Well, good thing today is the busiest day of all then huh?" he asked with a grin,

Anya frowned as she remembered the excruciatingly long list of things to do that day. Flowers and cakes being delivered, decorations going up, half the Palace being taken up by wedding vendors setting up for the next day. As Niccolo was a guest, Caterers would be arriving by noon to start prepping for the next day. And then, at the end of the day, instead of getting to spend it with her darling Levi, she would instead be with the girls at a nearby luxury hotel for a "spa day" to prepare for the wedding before being rushed off for whatever debauchery Mikasa had planned for them that night. She was not looking forward to any of it. She would much rather spend the rest of her day reading, curling up with Levi on a comfy couch somewhere, and playing with the young princess.

"I really don't want to," Anya murmured as she looked into his eyes, still tired and hazy. "I'd much rather spend today with you" she cooed into his ear, before returning to kissing his face with her arms wrapped around him. When she made her way to his neck, he let out a soft moan that sent shivers up her spine and heat throughout her body. God, how she wanted to hear those moans, but no, not today - there was simply too much to do. Damn Wedding...

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