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As they stepped outside the inn they had been staying at, Gabi was the first to notice the grey skies overhead, adorned with dark clouds and an aura that matched the mood they all felt coursing through their veins. After what Levi thought felt like an eternity of meandering around the town, Falco was the first to speak, his voice trailing as he examined the small map of Stohess that was enclosed in the letter.

"It looks like it's not far from here, just another block or so" he murmured as he walked next to Gabi, with her mind clearly on other things.

"So, old man, if you don't mind me asking... you loved this girl, but you thought she was dead, but you never told us... Why did you think she was dead?"

Levi looked down, staring at the cobblestone streets as if they were taunting his very existence by simply being there.

"I guess I didn't look enough. I thought she was dead because they told me she was dead. The whole time she's been here. Walking these streets, making a life for herself. I didn't even think to look here. I didn't think about looking anywhere else."

Year 844, The Underground, the night after they met Nicholas Lobov.

The energy in the room was raw and electric, an unspoken excitement coursing through the veins of Levi, Furlan, and Isabel. Levi sat in front of a small pile of boxes, preparing to pack the few belongings the three had in anticipation for their upcoming move while Furlan and Isabel thoroughly cleaned everything that was getting neatly placed in those boxes.

"I can't believe we're going to be able to do it!" Isabel piped up, breaking the tension in the room. "We're really going to get citizenship!" The smile of her face was contagious, and the boys couldn't help but crack a faint smile at how happy little Isabel was. Levi took something out of the box he was packing, and stared at the item. Isabel stopped cleaning, and sat on the couch next to Levi "Hey.. do you guys think... we could bring someone with us?" she stammered and smiled so awkwardly that Furlan immediately knew what was in her head and her heart.

Furlan let out a deep sigh, removing his dust-stained handkerchief from around his mouth and nose. "So... who's the lucky boy?"

"His name is Michael..." Isabel's smile went from awkward to downright goofy, letting out a faint sigh before placing her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands "He works at the tavern we went to the other night"

"tch. That little brat?" Levi responded, turning up his nose at the thought of bringing someone else along.

"You wouldn't understand!" Isabell huffed, crossing her arms and staring daggers at Levi "What would you know about love anyway? I bet you've never even kissed someone else. You never look at any of the girl's around... wait...unless... you're..." Isabel started, eyes going wide at the implication that came out of her mouth before she could control her words.

Levi stood up, peering down at Isabel, hiding the hurt he felt at her cutting words. "I don't need to listen to any of this. You annoying brat, we are not bringing anyone along. It's just us. No one else." He looked down at Isabel, tears forming in her emerald eyes, and turned away from her. "Now back to work. I'm going to start on the bedroom." Furlan could her the pain in Levi's voice as he walked away from them, slamming the door behind him.

"Isabel..." Furlan sat on the couch next to her, wrapping one arm around her. "You have to understand... he's been through so much" Furlan took a moment to look into Isabel's eyes, wiping away her tears with his free hand. "Thing's he doesn't talk about. Thing's I wouldn't even know if I hadn't been there through it all."

Isabel sniffled, staring at the door Levi had slammed. She could hear him tossing thing's around, but she didn't care to look. "like?"

Furlan looked down, not wanting to make eye contact "He'd kill me if I told you"

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