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Year 844, The morning of Levi, Furlan, and Isabel being captured by Erwin.

Furlan had a grim expression on his face, looking up at the house he had so many times before. Staring up at the window and tree he had watched Anya climb down an uncountable number of times, nerves hit him as he recalled his last visit here. He sighed and looked at Levi. "OK so before we do this, are you sure you're ready?"

He could see the hesitation in Levi's eyes, even if his face didn't show it. "I guess I'm more ready than I'll ever be..." Levi looked towards Isabel, her sweet smile illuminating the otherwise gloomy aura of the place as she skipped towards the door.

"This is the place right?" She looked back and watched as the boy's nodded and quickly joined her side. She balled her fist's up and knocked on the door, giving the boys no time to back out from her plan. "Helllooooooo" her sing-songy voice called out.

Furlan's heart raced as he saw the figure opening the door. Revealing a woman about his age, with long red curls and stunning green eyes. Shit... she's still stunning... he thought to himself, smiling at the girl he once loved.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, looking at Furlan and Levi before casting her gaze on Isabel - "and who is this?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest "you really shouldn't be here you know. If he see's you two he'll skin you alive."

"Oh please, He wouldn't dare. Besides Essie –" Furlan started to say before being cut off

"Esther." She corrected

"Esther. Fine. Look, We have to find Anya. We have an opportunity..." Furlan took a step towards her, leaning his mouth to her ear and hushing his voice to a whisper "to live on the surface"

She sighed and opened the door further, letting the three inside. "Fine..." she mumbled "but this is only going to end in a fight..."

"We just need information" Levi piped up in a deadpan voice "I just need to know what happened"

"just as cold as ever, shorty" Esther looked down at him apologetically, sadness coursing through her eyes. "Levi... I've always liked you. You were always family to me, to us... so when I tell you this, just promise me you won't do anything stupid because –" she was cut off by the sound of broken glass coming from the kitchen, Levi running towards the sound with Isabel and Furlan on his heels.

The sight they were met with was a familiar one. Broken glass on the floor, empty bottles of liquor, and a lanky man hunched over in a chair. A dirty kitchen that repulsed the trio, and a smell that was a mixture of alcohol and vomit. The man looked up from his drunken haze and eyed the trio. His eyes stopped on Isabel and looked her up and down. "oh, what's this? You two dumbasses bring me a treat? A peace offering?" he said with a mischievous grin.

Isabel shifted her weight from one foot to the other, and moved her hand to the knife in her pocket. "you wish" she scoffed

"one move on her and you're dead" Furlan spoke up from the back of the group

"come anywhere near her and you're dead" Levi looked at the man with disgust "Joseph, we're not here to make peace." He had an assertive tone to his voice, one which took Joseph back slightly.

The man stood up, and walked towards Levi at the front of the group. "Oh? Then what are you here for?" His eyes moved to Furlan, standing next to Esther with a protective hand on her shoulder. "Esther, get away from that boy."

Esther looked apologetically at Furlan, and walked away. They could hear her running up the stairs, and a second pair of footstep's going to meet her.

The Red String of FateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ