Their Last Time

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Anya couldn't believe the words she was reading. Pinned to the note was a ring of Sarinas, and a lock of messy brown hair. Anya let out a cry as Levi held her close, tears soaking her face. "They took her? How?" she asked again, looking at Historia as she threw down the note. "How? There's security everywhere!"

"She must have left the palace alone," Levi grumbled, hoping this was all a joke. "You've checked her room? You sure this isn't a hoax?" he asked as he looked towards Historia.

"I'm sure! One of them dropped it off. They sent her jacket too." Historia responded as she sunk down to the floor. "I'm so sorry Anya!"

Anya looked to Levi, tears in her eyes. "I told you something was off!" She exclaimed as she grabbed her robe and pulled it onto herself.

Levi grumbled as he pulled her into his lap. "Hey, what did I just say? We've been through worse, We'll figure it out. If we could find a way to stop the literal end of the world, we can find Sarina and bring her back to you," He felt her arms slip around his neck, and her tears wet his shoulder as she wept silently.

Anya nodded, unsure of what to do next. She believed in Levi, but she also knew her own skills - while rusty - could save them all the effort. She would have to talk to Levi and devise a plan, but she knew she could use her own wits to help them. She couldn't sit on the sidelines while her sister was in danger.

Before she knew it, Historia had left the room and Anya was still sitting in Levi's lap. Anya had no idea how much time had passed that she had been crying into his neck, holding him as tight as she could as if he would slip away from her if she let him go. He beckoned her to bed, promising that they would figure out what to do in the morning. She made herself comfortable, as he planted reassuring kisses along her neck and on her face. He held her as tightly as he could, afraid to admit that he, too, was scared of her slipping away from him. Marley seemed like the safest place for them, and he couldn't wait to get back there - with her. Where she was safe.

The next night

Anya spent the day at Levi's side, never daring to leave the building of the palace - even the grounds seemed unsafe. Aside from meeting to come up with plans, he spent the whole day in their room, comforting Anya and making sure she had eaten.

"Do you have a plan yet?" Anya asked as she walked out of the bathroom - more nausea having taken over a good part of her morning, and now her night as well. She made her way to the bed with Levi's help, and once she had made it there he handed her a cup of tea. He shook his head, pulling her into his lap again.

"Nothing." he looked at her as she sipped her tea, "How are you feeling, my love?" he asked, hoping to get her mind off of things if only for a moment. He noticed that she had been needing more help, getting dizzy more often.

Anya shrugged. "I'm worried. What if they kill her?" she asked, tears gathered in her eyes. "What if they come after the rest of us until Historia gives in?"

Levi pulled her close, comforting her with a gentle hug. "That's not going to happen. Armin and the boys are going to go get her back, we just aren't sure where they're keeping her yet" He brought her lips to his, and tenderly kissed her lips - again and again, until she sighed.

"So there is a plan?" she asked, looking with hope into his eyes. "She's going to be okay?"

Levi nodded, taking the teacup from her hands and placing it on the bedside table. He pulled her up into his arms with one swift motion, picking her up and laying her in bed, crawling in next to her. "Don't worry baby. We will get her back" she brought her body close to his, laying on her side facing him. "You need to rest, you're sick and we still dont know whats wrong with you" his eyes averted to her stomach, and then her eyes. "Are you sure you won't go see a doctor today?"

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