It was always you....

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Jung Hoseok (oneshot):
Me and Hoseok are surprisingly best friends. He is that normal, sometimes shy type of guy and he is not popular. I'm complete opposite....I'm that popular, extrovert type. We are best friends since we were babies and so we know each other for quite a long time. It took me a while til I realized that my feelings for him were stronger than just 'friend' kind of type. So yeah, I love him and It's gonna be 3 years since I realized that, but I've never confessed, cause I didn't want to ruin our friendship and considering that Hoseok is that 'shy' type of guy, scares me even more, so I decided to keep my mouth shut. Right now, I was sitting in class and waiting for Hoseok to come, but I didn't see him anywhere until the bell rang. He came inside the class which shocked me as he never came late before. Something just seemed wrong with him today, but I tried to shrug it off. Even that smile that he put on was fake and I knew it. He sat down next to me and absolutely normally started conversation with me, but the whole time he wasn't being himself and I hate it, but he never failed to make me smile. It was going fine the whole day until again he disappeared which was weird, cause we still had one class ahead. I tried to push my thoughts away, but it was useless. I knew something bad was going on, but I didn't know what it is. After Math, my last class, I was walking casually through the school's backyard since it was lunch time, so I was going to the canteen. I couldn't stop thinking about him, I was way too worried I would say. I was almost there when I saw Felix and his group beating someone again. I sighed and ran to them to stop them, but I froze on my spot when I saw Hoseok lying on the floor as blood rushed out of his nose. He stood up and tried to fight back, but he isn't good at martial arts or anything like that. 'Awww, look at that beautiful red colour, hmmm?! You are such a baby Hoseokah! No surprise that you don't have any friends or girlfriend when you're a loser, right? Who would want a loser like you, hmm?' Felix said to him, trying to manipulate him. Hoseok didn't reply, so Felix lifted him up by his collar and pinned him against the wall. He spit on his face before repeating the question. 'Answer me.' 'N-Noone.' He said almost crying. 'That's the right answer Hoseokah! Literally noone! So tell me.....why are you even alive, hmm? Do you think that people need a trash like you in their lives? Hell no! Honestly...the best thing you can do is to end this torturing for everyone and just disappear!' They all laughed, but I couldn't take it anymore. I went to Felix and pushed him away. 'What the fuck Felix?! Why would you bully him?!' I yelled at him as they all flinched. 'Hobi are you okay? Please talk to me!' I said and kneeled down infront of him. 'Y/N I-' 'You what Felix?! You know what? Fuck off! I thought you were a friend of mine, but not anymore!' He tried to grab my wrist, but I pushed him away. 'Don't come infront of my eyes ever!' 'But Y/Naah! I love you...more than just a friend!' He exclaimed, making all of us shocked.

Hoseok's POV:
My whole world stopped. I love Y/N since forever, but I've never confessed, cause I didn't want to ruin anything. Felix and his group were bullying me since elementary school, that's why I'm so shy, quiet and kind of introverted. I've never told Y/N about them bullying me, cause he was her friend too and I didn't want to ruin their friendship. And now when he confessed, I became so insecure and to be honest I was 99% sure that she would choose him, cause he is that perfect, popular guy. I didn't want to cry, but it was hard for me to keep it in. 'But I don't Felix, I'm sorry, but even If I ever did, I would never date a person who does disgusting things like this!' She said and he just looked down being completely guilty. 'I'm sorry, I didn't rea-' 'It doesn't matter anymore, I said what I said and you did what you did! I'm sorry, but I can't be friend with someone like you!' A huge weight dropped from my arms when she said this. He nodded and walked away with his group being completely ashamed of his own behaviour. She came near me again and checked If I was okay before she hugged me as tight as she could. 'Why didn't you tell me?! Do you even know know how fucking scared and worried I was the whole day, cause of your behaviour and than when I saw you I felt so hurt! I love you Hobi! I love you so much and I know that you probably don't feel the same way, but I don't care honestly as long as you're okay and here with me in my arms, I'm happy!' She said and sobbed into my neck. I smiled before pulling her even closer If It's possible. 'I love you too Y/Naah! And don't worry, I'm okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I was just scared you know?! He was your friend and I didn't want to ruin your friendship!-' 'But you are special to me Hobi! You should now that I would never exchange you for someone like him, hmm? I love you so much, it was always you and it will always be you!' She said as I smiled happily before I kissed her. The kiss was euphoric, something that we were both searching for the whole times but couldn't find. She is like the sky....beautiful and untouchable by others, but touchable by me, cause my love for her is way higher. 'I love you Y/Naah!'
School has been killing me these days, so I'm sorry for not posting and also I know that this probably isn't good, but I'm posting it anyways😅next one is gonna be series...probably about Joon or Tae, I'm not sure yet👀💜

BTS IMAGINES BY @youmeandi7💜Where stories live. Discover now