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87 kgs

The OMAD (one meal a day) is working. Finally. I've been trying to lose weight my whole life but whatever I tried it never worked, but this is working and I'm so happy. I badly want to party now but no, I'll ruin it so it's better I'll do the partying later.

I heard a knock and I excitedly went to open the door. It was Aai (mom) who was standing, holding a tray which had my meal for the day. .

I smiled and took the tray from her and placed it on my bed. I don't know I got this weird habit of eating my meals on bed

"You know aai, I lost 5 kgs in the past 15 days" I cooed happily

She rolled her eyes

"Preshtha I'm glad that you have taken an initiative for your health but what you are following is very wrong" she said with slight disappointment

"But mom-" I was going to argue but mom cut me off "You are not going to argue with me Preshtha. Last week you were almost going to pass out. To our luck, you were at home. What would have happened if you passed out somewhere and we were out of your reach?" she said as anger started displaying on her face "No If's and but's I'm packing your tiffin today and I want you to eat. I'll call Ridhima and Ragini" she headed out of my room

And here I was tensed on what to do. The fact that she is going to call my bestfriends and ask them if I had eaten my tiffin scared me. Because she does what she says.

I instantly changed myself into my floral shirt and a tight high waist Jeans. Showing off my curves. I stared at my reflection in front of me. I just want to live like a normal human being to be honest. I just want to glow up and live like a best version of myself. I want to be praised and not be treated as someone alien.

A tear slipped from my eyes thinking about what is going on with me. But I shook my head and removed those thoughts.

I ate my breakfast because mom isn't going to let me do my OMAD. I mean first she says focus on your health then she says eat properly. What am I supposed to do ? That lady makes me hella confuse.

I place my breakfast dish in the sink and wash my hands.

Since my fasting isn't going to happen. I open the fridge to see whether there is anything to eat. I find protein bars and I wonder who brought them. By the time I was going to open the wrapper. Kartik, my elder brother immediately came and took that away from me. He was enjoying the protein bar then he sat on the kitchen counter to play his FIFA game. Oh did I mention he is a amazing football player. Yes he is, and girls drool over him a lot.

"Thanks bubble" he said sheepishly. He kept my nickname bubble for obvious reason but I find it cute. I don't know how the hell can I have such a irritating brother. I rolled my eyes and took another protein bar from the fridge.

"Preshtha trust me, you don't need to lose weight" he said with concern playing on his face.

"Yeah so that I can't have a boyfriend" I said sarcastically. "Technically yes, but seriously you are beautiful just the way you are"

"Kartik, you yourself are a football player. You take your health so seriously then why can't I?" I questioned him. He looked frustrated by my question. He knows it very well why I'm doing weight loss.

"See, Preshtha I know I'm a football player and I have to take my health seriously but I just don't go on one meal every day. I've my diets and exercises which are helping me to be fit okay?" He said trying to make me understand what he does for his health. "And I'm not stopping you from losing weight. It's just the way you are doing which is concerning me a lot" he softened his eyes which were telling me to stop OMAD.

"I'll see" I nodded and left the kitchen. To be honest I was disappointed. No one was being happy for me. Yes, I know I chose a wrong way to lose weight but just for once, can't they appreciate my efforts. Just once.

I took my bag and hung it on my right shoulder.

"Yete mi" (I'll come later) I said and left immediately. Whereas mom was calling me back to take my tiffin but I was in no mood as Kartik already spoiled my mood.

As I came out of my bunglow. Shyam uncle, who is responsible for driving me to college was standing, waiting for me.

"Good morning uncle" I greeted him happily

"Good Morning beta, aaj kuthey jaych tumhala" (where do you want to go) he asked me.

"Kaka, college la jaych aahe. Lavkar chala" (uncle, I want to go to college as early as possible) I said. I wanted him to move the car quickly because I don't want Ma, or Kartik and possibly dad (possibly because he has gone to a business trip) come and give me a lecture once again and ruin my day.

I sighed in relief as I was farer from my home. I needed it tho. I was tired of being like this. I wanted something new in me. Something that sparks up and something which becomes a part of my personality. I stared at the window, looking at the scenery passing by.

In no time I reached my college, NMIMS. I want to feel good now and only two people can make me happy.

Ragini & Ridhima

Where are my lifesavers?

I fished out my phone from the pocket and dialled both of their numbers but what the hell these guys aren't picking it up. I tried for like the hundredth time but still I got no response.


I hate this. Looks like I have to roam the whole campus to see if they have come or not because honestly I'm in no mood to attend lectures.

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