It all makes sense now

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Sam's POV
"What are we going to do now? we can't go back there" I said. "Maybe we could just take the car and drive out of town" said Max. "I don't have the gas for that" said Josh. We then decided to walk back up to the car hoping not to see Damien. We where walking back to the house trying to see if Raylen was there but we didn't see Raylen anywhere at all.

Third person POV
Damien was taking a walk back to his house. He then went inside of a gas station before he went home. He walked in. "Can I get a pack of cigarettes" Damien asked. "Yeah here you go" the worker said grabbing a pack. "Thanks Lari" said Damien looking down. "Issues with your dad again?" Asked Lari. "It's nothing just a long day" Damien said hiding the what happened just 30 minutes ago. "That's $1:99 by the way" said Lari. Damien then pulled out the money giving it to Lari. "Keep the change" Damien said taking the cigarette pack with him sticking it In his pocket. Damien then went to his house the place he tries his best to avoid but needed to go back since it was getting late. Damien then stepped in his house letting out a sigh. He walked in the living room seeing his dad sitting on the couch drinking a beer. "Do you have any idea how late it is" Damien's stepdad said. "It's only 9 pm" Damien said nervously. That was when his step dad came up to him. That was when he pushed Damien making him fall over into a glass table cutting his arm on the glass. "DON'T YOU EVER USE THAT ATTITUDE WITH ME AGAIN BOY" He yelled. That was when Damien's mother came running down the steps. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE TABLE" She yelled. "Mom he pushed me-" She then cut him off. "NO EXCUSES, GO TO YOUR ROOM, AND YOUR PAYING FOR THAT" She yelled while Damien went up the steps. Damien then went in his room knocking his things over in rage. "I FUCKING HATE BOTH OF THEM" He yelled. Then slamming down into his bed staring at the floor. After about 10 minutes Damien lit one of his cigarettes. Smoking it. He then noticed the cut on his arm which was bleeding a lot. Damien just bandaged it up not really caring about it. It was nothing new to him.

The next day
Sam's POV
I was just sitting down on the grass then seeing Raylen walk up to me. "Hey uh Raylen where were you yesterday?" I asked. "I fell asleep in the woods" said Raylen. She was obviously lying but I didn't think anything of it. She then walked inside the house. I looked back at her for a minute. There was something off about her but I brushed it off. I then went inside behind her. She went into the kitchen to make dinner. I then just left to mine and Dakota's room. After about an hour she said that she made dinner for us. I had a really bad feeling so I didn't eat to much. I then went over to everyone after she left, nobody really touched their food yet. "Guys this food doesn't taste right" I said. That was when they all looked up at me. "What's wrong with it?" Asked Dakota. "Hang on don't eat it yet I need to check something" I said. I then looked over seeing a bottle of rat poison. I picked it up. "Thank god I spit that out, I knew that bitch was up to something" I thought. I took the rat poison to the dinner table sticking it in my pocket. Nobody ate their food because they thought it might have been bad. That was when Raylen came down the steps sitting back at the dinner table. "Alright guys, ready to eat?" She said. "Oh for fuck sakes" I said. "What?" Raylen said. That was when I slammed down the rat poison for everyone to see that was when Raylen's eyes grew big. Everyone looked at her in shock. "That's not mine" Raylen said. "Your such a bad actress" I said. "Why would you try to poison us?" Said Josh. "FINE YOU KNOW WHAT I DIDN'T POISON YOU GUYS I JUST PUT IN SAM'S FOOD" Raylen yelled. "Why the fuck would you do that?" I said angrily. "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY BECAUSE I NEVER LIKED YOU AND I THOUGHT THAT MAYBE IF I JUST KILLED YOU I COULD GET THAT AWARD MONEY" Raylen yelled. "YOU MANIPULATIVE BITCH" Dakota yelled. "I NEVER EVEN LIKED ANY OF YOU GUYS" Raylen yelled. That was when Raylen came towards Dakota "And you where the worst, no wonder your dad left" Raylen said. That was when Dakota got up. "At least I'm not a whore like you who uses people to get your way" Dakota said. That was when Raylen kicked Dakota in the shin making her fall on her knees. That was when Dakota got back up grabbing Raylen by her braid she had in it then pulling it while at the same time pushing Raylen back making her scalp bleed making Raylen scream In pain "people always loved your "pretty" blonde hair right" Dakota said. "DAKOTA THATS ENOUGH" Max said pulling them apart. That was when Raylen rubbed her head seeing the blood run down her hands. "Just one more thing" Dakota said then chopping off the braid in Raylen's hair to where it was really short. "NOW GET OUT YOU LYING BITCH" Dakota yelled pushing Raylen out the door locking her out. "What the hell Dakota you litteraly scalped her with your bare hands" I said in shock. Dakota looked down in anger. "She deserved it" Dakota said.

Samantha RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now