Chapter 12

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I decided to work from home again, because I was in no mood to meet people out there. I would just end up channeling my frustrations, anger and stress on them. I didn't know what to do anymore. I felt like I was losing Sharon day by day.

Yesterday, she saw Zheila's profile pic and it was true that I just texted her to stop bothering me. The woman had been leaving me a thousand messeges a day. She seemed to get me so I thought the going home thingy was going to stop for a while it didn't.

When I walked in on her and she looked horrified, I just knew he was the one she was talking too. I should have just kept quiet but I had to open my big mouth and annoy her even more. She actually laughed on my face. I was jealous, because she could barely look me in the eyes, yet she kept smiling at his text. I wanted to really hurt someone to feel a little better.

I was the one who had told Juliette to take the kids outside. I was going to work and I feared she would disappear with them. But after that argument, I lost the strength to go to work, so I just worked from home.

I took a break and decided to go say high to my sister, it was a little unnerving that she hadn't barged into my space to mess things. I got outside the door, about to knock but then I stopped to listen. From their tone, you could tell how excited Sheila was, even when Sharon answered her coldly, she didn't mind. Tess was unusually quiet. I scoffed when Sheila said she wanted to go steady with Ray. Was she crazy?

I laughed when she talked about my sister's manners. Though it was a lie, Sheila was way mannerless. Downright annoying, intrusive, inquisitive and likes to get in my business.

That was how she caught me:Ever since the accident I felt that I didn't take care of Sharon enough. For two years, after we had sheila, she was still doing fine. I just wanted to protect her, to be of service but she wouldn't let me. I know it was the guilt, it made me feel that I wasn't good enough. I did not deserve her, I know, but I would never admit that to anyone. Not even to myself. And that day, when Merlin hurled it to my face, I almost cried because it was the truth. He was right. Sharon deserved better, not me, not Kelvin and definitely not Patrick.

Back to Sheila; Sheila had observed my unbecoming behavior. Asked why I went home without informing Sharon. That was a week after my encounter with Zhela. After infinity party, she came to me crying that someone had been blackmailing her. I thought I understood her because I was being blackmailed too. She looked vulnerable and in a moment of weakness, I fell for her damsel self. I woke up and the guilt made me a different person.

When I told Sheila, she understood me. Promised to let it slide of course after almost tearing my ears off. I swore never to even talk to Zhela . I kept to my word for just a week but then, she wanted me to help her with Jason. Sharon agreed to that and Zhela willing to let me be her knight in a shining armor. I realized later that I was drawn to her.I could not even explain it. I knew it was wrong of me but then it felt normal. Especially after Patrick nudged me to treat myself.
The next minute, I was canoodling her in her house. My sister smelt it right  off me but I denied.

Then she invited Sheila over and she was more than willing to spill. That was the same day they took that photo.

As a family, we promise to keep it from her and as a family, we failed biblically. I kept going back. I know I couldn't use Jason as an excuse because he did not force me but then when I came to my senses, it was already late. It blew up on my face.

There I was, feeling nothing for my mistress right after losing my wife's trust.
I was almost knocking then I heard yelling and when Sheila said I had slept with her ones, it put a nail on my coffin. I had lied that it never got to that point and that was probably the reason she still could stand me. Right now, everything was turning into a clusterfuck, really fast.

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