Chapter 13

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I hurried to the door after just one knock and Ray walked in, oh and he brought a wingman this time.

"What happened?" Ray asked.

"Stop asking questions and find Sharon, she flew the coop with my children. I lost Jason when he was three, I am not letting her repeat the circle with my daughter." I barked. He stopped working on his laptop and looked at me. Of course Patrick had not come back from the bathroom which was a while now. What the heck was he doing?

"Why did you stop, Did you find her?"

"Yes, her phone just came back on, she is in this address." I knew that address very well. I remember tracking Merlin down to that address and ordering him to leave Sharon alone. He just won't listen.

"Cool, call the police, report kidnapping."

"But she isn't kidnapped. This will bring alot of problems, unnecessary scandals, do yo...

" Just call the damn police. I have a rough idea with whom she is with, and I want him to pay. He can not have my family, he can't just come back clean and claim my wife. I know I fucked up but I can't lose her. She is my whole world Ray ."

"Alright." He paused. "I am going to do this for you but you got to stop being mad at me for what happened with your sister."

"Really? You want to start with that? The only reason you are still working for me is because you are the best. But if you go near my sister again, I will cut parts of you that you would rather keep." I can not believe this guy. After I warned him time and again not to go near my sister, he made sure she fell in love with him and then he remembered my warning.

He was the reason my sister became bitchy and nosy. He is the reason she is stopping me from following my wife. She is getting back at me.

"You don't want to see her happy."

"Ray!" I groaned. "She is my family.She is my little, sister and you are a bad boy. A play...

" That is rich coming from you. We are in this situation because you literally fucked your ex. Jeopardizing your kids, two children, dickheads! And now I am about to lie, put another man in shit because of you. I don't think you qualify to brand me. " he lashed, throwing it all in my face. That only got me angry.

"You can go to hell . She is my sister. No matter what the two of you do, I will never let you be together." I seethed, knowing I held all the cards.

"We will see about that."
He threatened before finally hitting call. I had to swallow all the insults I had prepared for a comeback.

"All done dickhead. Just prepare yourself for when your wife gets a hold of you." with that said, he got up, grabbing his laptop and leaving. Patrick followed right behind. Leaving me to bark orders at the police. I was feeling worked up, the house looked empty without Jason running around.

How could Ray not term that as kidnapping, She stole my children from the playground. I sure hope that Juliette would come back to her senses and tell the truth. She was covering for Sharon, I knew it.


I walked in to Change's living room to find him hunched over the table, a bottle of scorch next to him. He was not drinking though, he wasn't watching, typing on the phone or doing anything, he was just quietly staring at the three-quarter empty glass. It was like he was trying to move the glass with his mind.

I cleared my voice twice for him to hear me. He sat up, but he still looked like he had a lot on his mind and he looked tired too. Which is understandable since he should be in bed. It was almost midnight.

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