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When they were finally home, Conner was waiting for them in the living room, the giant wolf that was his pet by his side.

"Madine!" He went to hug her, just as fiercely as her father had moments ago. When he let her go, he smiled. "Liked the outfit."

She laughed. "Well, my uniform is not ready yet, so I decided to borrow your idea for once."

"You're making a uniform?" her dad asked, already in civil clothes, closing the curtains of the veranda.

"Of course! Kelex is helping me out." She said.

Clark shook his head in amusement.

"Sorry for not telling anything to you," Conner started. "it became a real mess with Captain Marvel and everything... I kind of forgot."

"It's okay." She replied. "I think it was better for me staying here. I helped quite a lot here, too."

"That you did." Their father kissed her temple again. "And I'm just glad it's over. You have no idea how worried I was with you two."

He hugged them both, closely, and they basked in the moment, all three of them together, like a family.

And then the phone started to ring. Clark gave them one more kiss to the temple each, and went to pick it.


"Clark? Honey, is everything alright?" Said Martha Kent, and Clark could just see the frown of worry on his face.

"Hey Ma. Everything's okay now, don't worry. We're all home."

"Thank God. What happened?"

Clark started to explain the magic and what happened after – even telling Ma how Bruce was absolutely crazy with worry for Dick, which was always cute to watch – all the while he watched his sons talking quietly to each other.

Wolf was by Conner's side, already done with smelling Madine. He couldn't say no when Conner asked if he could bring him to the apartment that night – only that night. Madine petted Wolf's fur, and the spark in her eyes could not be denied.

Eventually, he said goodbye to his mother – after letting her talk on speaker to her grandchildren – and sent his twins to change while he occupied himself in cooking, trying to gain some normalcy to the end of his day.

He had to.

He knew, deep in his bones, that Madine's debut as Supergirl would make his life a lot more difficult starting the next day, so he needed the hours of normalcy he had.


He was right, of course. All the way to the Daily Planet, the only thing he heard people whispering was Superman's apparent daughter, who had appeared in Metropolis during the crisis of the week. He was already nursing a small headache only in thinking what would be inside the newsroom, and that was without thinking of the League, who would probably have a meeting soon – Batman was clear to them yesterday, they had a lot to discuss.

As soon as he entered the newsroom, he thought he was in hell. Perry was barking orders all over the place, people running from left to right to catch up all the details they could about what happened. They hadn't seen Supergirl in action, being in the 'adult world'; but there were enough blurry and almost distinct photos of her in the web, posted by the lucky teens with smartphones and time to register.

He was kind of proud of Madine for not giving them enough time for good pictures, really.

He got to his desk right on time to hear Lois whine.

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