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He could never, even if he lived a million years, imagine such a thing.

Superman has a daughter.

His mind kept going back to this one little phrase, who seemed to have changed how the world moved around him. True he didn't really lived that long – it was barely a day after he woke up to this life – but even if he had, his mind would have some trouble processing the idea, he was sure.

Superman had left his temporary room a few minutes ago. Superboy decided to sit on his bed, with nothing else to do until he came back later to take him to his place and meet his daughter.

If he comes, his mind kept telling him. He tried not to think of the possibility of the hero changing his mind.

He would never admit to anyone, but being rejected by Superman the night before had hurt. A lot. He had to swallow a huge lump that formed in his throat at the retreating form of his DNA donor, and was left wandering if he had done something wrong. If he was that disgusting, such an abomination that even Superman – the most welcoming and warm hero ever – could not even stand to look at him.

He supposed he would have to thank his new friends later. If they could be called that. Superboy wasn't sure. This new world was still very new, very strange to him. But he remembered the little conversation the four of them had the night before, after Superman left and Batman was still talking with a few Leaguers about what to do with them.


~ The night before ~

He didn't have to say anything. The other boys knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, Supey." said Kid Flash, in a warm tone. "He'll come around."

"Yeah," Robin. "He's just surprised. He would never expect a clone."

"I am sure Superman will talk to you soon," said Aqualad. "it is not like him to reject someone just because of their origins."

He turned his eyes from the sky – Superman's form long gone – and looked at the three. They were looking sympathetic, with small smiles on their lips.

"Thank you." he said simply, not knowing what else could be said.

They nodded, and Aqualad put a hand on his shoulder.

"Anytime, my new friend." he assured, Robin and Kid Flash vocalizing their support, too.


~ Present Time ~

He supposed he would have to thank the three of them for the support, once he saw them again. If he saw them again. Batman was pretty mad after the events, and even after Robin's suggestion that they could do more, he had dismissed them very fast. Superboy didn't know what would happen from now on.

A knock on the door took him out of his musings, and he got up and went to the door. Martian Manhunter was there, no expression in his green skin, but his voice was warm.

"I was told Superman is coming to pick you up later. To take him to his house."

"Yes." he confirmed. "He said he was coming after his work."

Superboy still had no idea what he meant by that. Didn't Superman was a hero? Or could it be that 'work' meant simply going around the world, helping people?

"Very well. Here." Manhunter gave him a bag. "There's a few clothes in there. I am not sure if they will fit you properly, but it will be better than your tattered uniform."

Superboy blinked twice.

"You may use the bag to put anything you want to take with you."

"But I don't have anything." he said.

"Anything from this room may be considered yours, Superboy. Please be free to take it with you, if you want." Manhunter gave him a small smile.

He blinked again, but nodded anyway. Manhunter said he if need anything, to call him over the intercom in the room, and then left him alone.

He closed the door after the martian, and then looked around. There wasn't anything here he wanted to take, really. He didn't know what to do with half of it. But his suit... He somehow was hesitant to leave behind.

He started to take it off, being careful not to rip it any further. It was the only thing that was actually his, and he didn't want to lose it.

He's naked and sets his suit on the bed, picking up the clothes in the bag. He dresses slowly, realizing all of them are a little big for him, but he's not really bothered by that. The well-worn jeans and t-shirt are cozy and comfortable, and he likes the feeling of it against his bare skin.

As soon as he's ready, putting the too big shoes too, he puts the solar suit in the bag, and looking around, he decides he will take the magazine he was looking at earlier too. It's interesting enough, and he didn't finished reading.

And then, he's ready. And it only passed fifty minutes since Superman left. He sighs and sits in his bed, his mind going to these words again.

Superman has a daughter.

How is she like?, he wonders. Does she looks like her father? Like her mother? Who is her mother, anyway? Is Superman married? He didn't mentioned a wife, so Superboy thinks it's safe to assume the mother is not present, or at least, doesn't live with them.

He imagines if she's nice. Superman said she wants to meet him. Does she really? Or she just wants to see the abomination that someone made of her father? He shivers at this particular thought.

He can't think too much about her. He didn't even knew she existed a couple of hours ago. Superman made sound like she's nice and really wants to see him, so he will settle for his donor's words for now.

Sighing, realizing he won't do any good to himself thinking too hard about Superman's motives and his daughter's character, he sits in his bed and turns on the television, trying to focus on anything other than his thoughts.

He is so distracted by the TV that he doesn't see the time passing, and soon... it's time.

There is a knock on his door, and he gets up to open it.

Superman is there, a smile in his lips and uncertainty in his eyes.

"Ready to go?"

Superboy just nods, and goes to turn off the TV and picks his almost empty bag from the chair.

"Great," the hero says. "Follow me."

Superboy obeys, a small tingling feeling in the pit of his stomach that he's not really sure what it means.

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