New Guy

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Monday came quickly, and with it, Conner's first day at school. First day ever. Madine was excited for him, which was good, because he wasn't. He imagined he was having a bad case of anxiety, like he saw at the Google website (his new best friend in all things about high school in the last 14 hours).

It made sense, since he had no idea what to do when he got there, and he even tried to convince his father that he didn't need to go to school, because c'mon... He knew everything already, and it was the only good side of being bred by an evil scientist. Of course, Clark didn't even think about it before shooting down Conner's plea.

Also, his father obviously didn't want to shoot down his daughter's excitement, which could be obvious even to a blind person.

"I'm looking forward to introduce you to my friends. Eunice and Janica are gonna love you! And there's Morisette, too... And so many people! And good thing we have most of the classes together. That should make it easier for you, since you've never been into school before..."

She was blabbering on and on since the moment Conner opened his eyes, but it was okay. At least he didn't had to speak much if she was busy telling him every single thing she thought good and bad about school, and who to hang out with, and who don't... And things Conner didn't even dream about before. Eventually, before they left the table after breakfast, She seemed to ran out of subjects to talk about.

"Done?" Clark asked, an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"Maybe." She said, smirking. "But I better stop before I can overwhelm my little brother here."

Their father laughed.

"I think you're too late for that."

Claire looked at him, and then made an apologetic face.

"Sorry, Kon."

He just blinked.

"It's okay, I guess... You're just excited for both of us."

Something in his tone of voice alerted her about his mood, which was accidental. He really didn't want her to think he was mad or something.

"You look like you don't want to go at all."

He sighed.

"I just don't know what to expect. Even if you describe it a thousand times. I read about it. It's different for everyone. And I... Well, I just don't know what to do."

"Is that all?"

"Well... I'm kind of afraid to embarrass you in front of your friends. I don't have much 'social experience' yet. What if I do something unforgivable?"

She relaxed, then, and so did Clark – who, so far, only watched the two of them talk.

"Conner," started his father. "I honesty doubt you can make anything unforgivable at school. You may embarrass yourself, of course, but that's part of it. It's part of growing up. Of learning to socialize. It's part of discovering who you are and what you like and dislike. Believe me, everyone makes mistakes in high school. Everyone embarrass themselves a little sometimes. It's normal. It's one of the things that makes us all human, equal amongst ourselves."

Madine smiled to him. "Dad's right. Don't worry about it."

He supposed they were right. And if they were so invested in making him feel better about that, he owed them a try.


"Now both of you get up and go brush your teeth. I'll clean this mess and we can all go start our days."

And they did exactly that.


Clark insisted to drive them to school, in honor of being Conner's first day. Madine accepted the ride if only because they were kind of late, and couldn't fly – yet, hopefully – to get there faster. Clark left them at the school parking lot, and with a small smile and a 'good luck' wish to Conner, he was out.

"I kind of expected him to stay a little longer." Said Conner with his backpack on his back, looking at the way their car had gone.

"Well... He knows he doesn't need to." She smiled. "Come on, let me do a little tour with you before the bell rings."

She, then, took him through the hallways full of people – apparently there were a lot of new people too, which made him feel better about being his first day – and friends chatting loudly and happily after so much time without seeing each other.

Madine waved and introduced him to some acquaintances - he already had met Eunice and Janica, on a night out a few days ago. He didn't talk much to them, but they seemed Madine's closest friends so far. They walked with them, and Madine was pointing to everything and everyone, telling him where everything was, where to go to his classes, who to avoid. They finally got to the row of lockers where Conner and Madine's lockers were located - gladly, almost neighbors. He picked a few things and left others, mimicking his sister while she chatted away about some Nancy Danvers who had a new terrible haircut this year with Loremae. They separated from her when the first bell rang.

Conner, Madine and Janica had their first class together - History. Which was good, because Conner kind of liked History. Since Cadmus put everything he needed to know in his brain, he was almost a walking encyclopedia - which was annoying because now Wally and Robin would always ask random things to him just to hear him talk like a dictionary, since he couldn't help say what he knew.

He sat right next to his sister, on the third row of seats. She smiled brightly at him, and he calmed a little. When Clark put him in school, he told them he would - somehow - make them stay in at least a few classes together. They ended with almost all of them. Only 2 classes Conner had alone, and they weren't even today. Clark had told him he wanted Conner to be comfortable, and having his 'twin sister' around could do it. He had to remember to thank him later.


Of course, later never came, because Superman was needed, and he ended up having to go at the Cave to some emergency alert that he got on his phone. He left his sister worried at home, only to find out that the alert had been sent by Robin, who was there with everyone waiting for him.

It was a trap. They put Conner and Megan in the sofa and asked a billion questions about high school.

Megan, apparently, was a cheerleader now - which made Conner frown, but okay, it matched her personality - and Conner just told them that he was adjusting, but so far everything was cool. They - a.k.a. Wally and Robin - weren't impressed. Of course, Batman found out about the alert and called Robin back to Gotham, which disbanded the Team.

They all had school the next day too, and without any urgent missions waiting, it was probable they were only going to see each other on the weekend. That made Conner pause at the zeta tubes.

"You okay, Conner?" M'gann asked, seeing his hesitation.

"Yes... Hm, did you made any new friends?"

She made her cute thinking face and smiled a little.

"Well, I suppose you can count Karen as a friend? She's the one who introduced me to the Bumblebees, the Cheerleading Team. She's pretty cool."

"Oh. Okay."

"Of course it's different than having friends here. You know. Here everyone knows I'm a martian. It's a big secret to keep, and you don't tell that to anyone."

He looked at her, and she looked embarrassed by some reason. He was about to ask why when his phone beeped. A message from Madine. He sighed.

"Yeah. It's very different. But it can be good having normal friends, too."

She smiled. He smiled back.

"Bye M'gann."

"Bye Conner."

He walked into the zeta tube.

Recognized: Superboy, B-Zero-four.

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