Sibling Bonding

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Clark could not hide his smile. His decision to bring Superboy home never seemed so right. His daughter was dragging Superboy by the hand to the guest room, and he noticed that she had cleaned it up, changing a little bit the decoration and making the room more comfortable.

"So... what do you think?" Madine asked excitedly when they got in. Her eyes were shining and Superboy looked around, still a little uneasy.

"Hm... Looks nice."

"It's your room now." Clark said, sending a grateful look to Madine for having prepared the room beforehand. "We'll probably need to go out somewhere soon so we can buy a few things for you, including new clothes that can actually fit you."

Madine smiled. "Yes! A shopping trip. It will be awesome!"

Superboy smiled for her, but looked a little unsure whether or not getting in the room. Before Clark could say anything, though, he heard the distinctive sound of a blaring siren and gunshots and screams. He sighed.

"There's a car chase downtown. I have to get there." he said, and then put a hand on Superboy's shoulder. "Madine will make you company while I go out, ok? I'll be back soon, I hope."

Superboy only nodded.

"Be safe, dad." Madine said.

He smiled for them, changing to his uniform and flying away through the window.


After her dad left, Madine insisted with Superboy that he could take a shower and change clothes. He didn't have anything proper to wear, so Madine picked up a few of her dad's old clothes and put them on Superboy's bed so he could change. She could always make some adjustments, if needed.

Going back to the kitchen, she decided to start making dinner. The cake would probably be served later, when her dad was back and they had a proper dinner, so she put the cake aside and started picking up ingredients.

Superboy appeared in the kitchen not much time after, standing a little awkwardly in the door frame that divided the kitchen from the dinner room.

"Hey!" she said, trying to make him more comfortable. Poor boy was all nerves so far, and Madine wanted him to lighten up a little.

"Hey." he answered.

"How was your shower?" she said, half her body almost inside the fridge picking things for dinner.

"Nice." he said.

She emerged from the fridge and smiled for him.

"You're not a guy of many words, are you?"

He cleaned his throat. "It's just... Too weird."

"What is?"

"This." he pointed around. "Me at Superman's house, watching his daughter cooking."

Madine laughed a little.

"Yeah. I bet the fact that he had a daughter made your brain freeze for a few seconds."

She saw the smallest of smiles in his lips, and his eyes were dancing with amusement.

"Yeah, it did. I came here still expecting it to be a joke."

Madine laughed a little more.

"Well, it's not." she said, starting to cut onions. "It's just not public information."

He nodded, and pointed to the other vegetables.

"Do you want help?"

Madine stopped cutting the onion and looked at him. "Do you know how to cook?"

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