24. Questionably Good Vacation

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So, one night, I woke up to Dick being absent from the bed. I looked around the room and didn't find Dick. To that, I carefully got up, carefully trying to not wake Rachel up and looked for Dick.

Dick just so happen to be sitting by a desk with a computer in front for him, a pair or earphones hooked from the laptop to his ears. When he heard me approaching, he looked up, but, turned back to the screen, taking out an ear bud.

"Why are you awake?" I quietly asked as I leaned against him, running my hand down his back.

"Work stuff," Dick answered, briefly looking up at me.

"Work stuff?" I repeated.

Dick gave me a confirming hum.

"Which job?" I suspected.

Dick didn't answer for a few seconds. I took that as an answer and the answer turned out to be the night job.

"Richie, we're three days in on our vacation and miles away from Gotham. We're literally staying in a house made out of bamboo in the middle of the woods. You deserve a break, too," I reminded.

"Just five more minutes," Dick stated. "I promise. Just go back to sleep."

"If it's five minutes, then, I'm waiting," I said, finally sitting myself down.

Sitting myself down, I still leaned against Dick, my temple on his shoulder. One of my hands went up to stroke his hair and gently massaged his scalp.

"Rome," Dick sighed. "I--"

"So, it's five more hours?" I accused, straightened up my sitting position.

"No, it's not like that," Dick said. "It's just Jason getting in trouble again."

Jason's Jason. He kept getting into trouble. Dick always had his back and vice versa. They had the strongest bond as I saw within the Wayne boys. Not because they happened to be the more 'mature' brothers.

Dick told me he actually had a bad history with Jason, but, they got over it and never looked back anymore. Most importantly, I could see they respect each other more than even Bruce Wayne himself. I liked that about them.

However, I didn't want my husband's vacation got interrupted by something like that. That was the whole point, Dick taking his mind off crimes. Just... living in the moment for a while.

"Well, Jason's gonna have to stay out of trouble for a while. Or else, if I find you wide awake like this again, I might start undressing so you go to bed," I said.

"Oh, you have the good stuff, huh?" Dick's smirk crept up.

"You are the good stuff," I replied.

Dick scoffed, half laughing.

"That's what I mean by the good stuff," Dick said.

That somehow tickled me a little. Dick laughed a little harder.

"Jason said he doesn't need to hear that," Dick informed.

"Well, he doesn't need to get in trouble, too," I added.

"Jason, pour water on the burned area," Dick instructed.

Dick and I cackled quietly on that.


Two days. Just two days later Dick made us miss our tour because he had to be on the phone and had access to his computer right away for two hours. Rachel was mad, I was pissed. Dick didn't realized that we were mad and pissed off.

Well, at least not until Rachel and I ordered some food to be delivered to us and we didn't share with him and he was kind of pissed at us. However, later, he promised that he would let me keep his phone tomorrow so he wouldn't get distracted by works, day work or night work.

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