27. Good News

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The doctor might be confused of how weird we reacted when she confirmed my pregnancy. Most couple would be happy together while it seemed like we were happy only by our own selves. At least I was because Dick reached out to me and felt how uncomfortable I got when he touched me.

We had the briefest conversation on when to tell who. We agreed to wait until the second trimester begun before telling anyone, including Rachel because she would tell everybody.

"Pull over there," I requested as I gestured the grocery store we were about to pass on our way back from the hospital.

Dick didn't say anything as a response, but, pulled over at the grocery store. As soon as he parked, I walked myself into the grocery store as fast as a pregnant woman could.

Then, ladies and gentlemen, I got to live up to my husband's name and be a dick. Why? Because pregnancy and because my husband cheated on me. At least he had to pay for what he did, right?

Dick caught up with me when I grabbed a trolley and he took over the trolley right away from me, so, I waltzed right in.

After Bali, I got quite obsessed with tofu and tempe. I hadn't had them in a while and I never really had the reason to get them, but, now, I had one. Also, fermented soy product? They were good for me as I once read on the internet. Just not too much.

Now, that I really thought of it, I should've probably told Dick to pull over by an Asian store and hoped that I would find tempe chips.

I went for the snacks first and I spent quite some time there that when I returned to the trolley, Dick had put some other stuffs.

"What are those?" I flatly asked.

"Prenatal milk," Dick casually answered as he avoided eye contact. "I-you know, I suppose you... you know."

After a brief pause, I said, "I don't," and continued to get my soy products.

When we walked out of the grocery store, Dick constantly had his arm around my waist. It annoyed me at first, but, it also felt nice.

We walked out at the perfect time for us to pick up Rachel. Both of us picking her up would be one of the rarest occasions in her life, probably.

"So, what do you want for dinner?" Dick asked in the middle of our way home.

"Can we get pizza? And watch a movie?" Rachel suggested.

"That's a great idea," Dick responded excitedly.

I wouldn't be able to eat it, but, sure. Whatever. I had my own food.

Rachel picked the film and she chose Inside Out. By the end of the film, she had fallen asleep and I had been crying my eyes out because I loved the movie and I paid attention to it.

I didn't even realize that Dick had been lending me his shoulder to cry on until he left a kiss on my head. Dick stiffened when I looked up to him as if I just caught him red handed doing something he shouldn't do. He awkwardly look away before I slowly looked away and shifted my position. Not away from him, but, pressing my back against him.

Responding to that, Dick slowly crept his hands from my waist towards my lower abdomen. In the middle of that, I let out a scoff of laughter.

"Tickles," I quietly said.

"Oh. Sorry," Dick said as quietly and moved his hands right away to my stomach as the credits rolled.

We still sat like that a while after the credits ended.

"Do you want to continue this on the bed?" Dick offered.

"Sure," I flatly said, mad at myself that I didn't say that out sharp enough to tell him that I was still mad at him.

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