10. Good Intention

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"Does Rachel know?" I asked after we only sat there in silent for a good few seconds.

Dick shifted his sitting position to face me more.

"That's what I have been trying to tell you," Dick said. "She doesn't."

As expected. Still made me anxious, though. That must've shown in my face because Dick frowned.

"She's a kid who tells everybody everything," Dick reasoned.

I lifted a shoulder weakly.

"What do you tell her about these?" I asked, gesturing his injuries.

"I don't," Dick said. "And I'm worried if I have to tell her that one day. If I have to tell her that the world isn't as nice as it seems to be."

I didn't know what to say.

"Look, Rome, I'm sorry. What happened that night isn't supposed to happen. I was drunk," Dick continued.

"I figured," I nodded. "I won't tell anyone anything."

"Yeah, thanks," Dick said.

"I'm sorry I made you lie to her like that," I said.

"It's for her," Dick shrugged. "Even though she'll have to see how it's not going to be so nice anymore soon."

"I'm so sorry," I said again.

"Don't be. You have good intention and you stick to your own moral," Dick smiled weakly. "In fact, I really wanna thank you for treating her like that. Maybe I should've raised her the way you treated her."

"The promise thing is great," I commented. "But, don't thank me. She's your daughter. She makes me treat her that way."

"Seriously. No woman ever treat her like that. I mean, not from their heart. They... tend to be nice to her so I'll be nice to them. Which isn't wrong at all, but... you know, you're nice to her because of her not because... of me and certainly not because of anything at all," Dick said. "That's what I see."

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Cool. No more hard feelings, alright?" Dick concluded.

"No hard feelings at all," I smiled.

"Awesome," Dick smirked.

For a while Dick and I just sit there.

"Do you want to know what Rachel made Bruce do?" Dick asked with a mischievous look.

"What?" I asked back.

"She made him donate a hundred thousand dollar for the corals," Dick chuckled.

"What? Really?" I voiced, a little more excited.

"Yeah. She just learned about coral bleaching and she picked at Bruce to stop 'buying' kids and help the corals," Dick answered.

"Oh, my God," I chuckled. "How did she take it?"

"The coral bleaching?" Dick made sure.

I hummed in confirmation.

"Well, she's upset for the first hour. Then, she sort of brought herself up and lectured everybody about it," Dick proudly said.

"Wow," I hummed. "From mermaids to rays to marine conservation. She's a fast learner."

"You did that. God, I wish I was the one who got her into these," Dick breathed.

"I should've been more careful," I laughed a little.

"Not at all," Dick sighed.

I sighed, too, feeling a little better now.

"So, how is Mr. Jackson?" Dick asked.

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