7. He's a Good Guy

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"Alright, guys. So, last night, I announced that we will have a meeting today for something very important," I opened. "As you see, we have Mr. Pennyworth here with us. Sir, thank you for joining us."

The butler gave us a smile and a nod.

"I apologize in advance that, working with these youthful volunteers, sometimes we might be lacking of a... stiff, serious mind situation," I joked.

"Don't worry, I deal with children all the time," Alfred Pennyworth said.

That fished laughter from some of us.

"I'm pretty sure y'all are wondering what we're going to be doing. I'll have to ask you to not freak out," I took a deep breath.

"Okay," one of the male volunteers, Blake, said.

"Bruce Wayne wants to have a gala here on new year's eve," I said.

A pause. A couple of seconds long. Then, people freaked out in excitement.

"Okay, calm down," I chuckled.

"Dude, if you told me that over the text chain yesterday, I'll come right off," Marissa claimed.

That statement got supported by the others.

"I will ditch my class immediately," one of them said.

"That's insane," I commented.

"No, the fact that you still have classes days before Christmas is insane," another person said.

"I still have classes on Eid," the hijabi, Sophie, pointed out.


"That's unfair," someone said.


"I know," Sophie confirmed before turning to me. "Sorry. What's that again?"

"I-okay. I'm pretty sure you all heard me clear already. Now, all of you is aware that this is a very important event, right?" I questioned.

They nodded.

"Nice. Alright. Um... I think it's okay that we put everyone on the usual committee division?" I suggested.

"I honestly want to experience being in another division, but, this is too big of an event that I feel like we work so well in the default setting that we shouldn't change divisions," Blake commented.

"It's a big event, but, not really, tho, right?" another guy, Clint, said. "It's not like Bruce Wayne's usual gala."

Somehow we all turned to the butler.

"It's been shrunken in scale, I believe," Alfred said. "The guests would be nitpicked very thoroughly. As I have discussed with Mr. Wayne, it would mostly be family and very close associates."

"What about media?" I asked.

"They would be there. It's a Wayne event after all," Alfred answered.

"We still can't juggle on something that's going to be exposed in Bruce Wayne's scale even though it's not that big of an event," Marissa commented.

"But, it's important that we shuffle positions so everyone knows how the others are working," Sophie countered.

"I feel like both are important," another girl, Leah, infiltrated. "Maybe we should shuffle some, but, keep the ones who are very good in a division in that division. Like, I personally work quite well in logistics in a different way that Blake is also doing well in logistics. I'm just worried that if one of us is moved, then, it's going to cause imbalance."

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