25. Not Good

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10 months later.

"Rome, it looks like Alfred has another thing to do and he's not able to pick up Rachel. Can you pick her up?" Dick said as soon as I picked up his call.

"Oh," I hummed. "Alright."

"You're feeling better already?" Dick asked. "If not, I can call Damian and have him pick her up instead."

Yeah, I hadn't been feeling very well lately. Even though I didn't go to work, I felt more exhausted than ever that I forgot to throw away the few days old leftover from the fridge and I almost threw up throwing it away. Because, well, it wasn't really Dick's responsibility to take care of the house.

"It's alright. I'm feeling better," I answered.

"Alright," Dick sighed.

"You'll make it for dinner, right?" I asked, full of hope.

Dick had missed the last four dinner with Rachel and I. He had been working on a case, a very important one it looked like.

Well, to be fair, it had been a couple of months of him being so busy. For that reason, I resigned from my job and focused on taking care of the girl since it looked like it would happen more oftenly. I still hadn't told Dick about it.

Getting intimate with Dick hadn't been as fun. Most of the time, he exhausted himself so much that he didn't even change his suit or forgot to take his shoes off. I wondered if Rachel had to grow up with just him like that. She would hate him.

"I think I'll go straight to patrol, so, I can be home before midnight," Dick said.

That felt a little disappointing.

"Okay. Before midnight. I miss you," I purred on the last sentence.

Dick held a second of pause before chuckling.

"Sure miss you, too, my love. And, yeah, before midnight," Dick promised.

"Okay. Love you, Richie," I said.

"Love you, too, Pumpkin," Dick replied.

We hung up after that.

Pumpkin? I still had no idea where that came from. He had been kind of weird lately and would call me pumpkin sometimes. He flustered himself doing that and I found it adorable.

Long story short, I got myself an Uber to pick up Rachel. I arrived on time to her walking out of class. We went straight home after that.

Came dinner time, Rachel and I ate and talked about our day. In the middle of doing so, we had a guest. I went to get the door and found Damian standing on the other side.

"Tutor night," Damian said.

"Oh, right. Come in," I remembered as I let the boy in. "Have you had dinner?"

"No, it's alright," Damian replied as he made himself at home and walked straight into where Rachel sat.

"No, let me cook something safe for you," I insisted as I closed the door.

"It's fine. Todd's coming with some snack and more food," Damian said. "Hey, there."

"Uncle Damian!" Rachel cheered.

"Jason?" I asked as I stepped into the kitchen.

"He's on his way," Damian shrugged.

"Uncle Todd is going to be here?" Rachel asked.

Just then, the bell rung again.

I went back to the door and opened it. Jason stood on the other side with his helmet in one hand and a bag smelling like food on the other.

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