~Chapter 19~

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We all sat down and waiting for Charlie to start speaking. But she seems to get nervous out of no where.

"Hey Charlie are you okay?"
"Yeah it just I'm not sure if this is going to sound dumb. I'm not even sure anymore if it's going to work."
"Calm down take a deep breath and speak when you're ready." I smiled softly to make her feel more comfortable.

"Okay then I been thinking for a while on this now. Y/N told me a few months ago about how demons won't come here because the lack of evidence that this actually works. And that many wouldn't want to come because it may take a long time for them to finally redeem themselves. So I decided why not have some kind of show. Where we go up first and we do what we want. Like sing, dance, act I don't know and then we can let whoever comes do what they know best which can help them see we are not just all 'boring.' Then when it's done I get up on stage and explain the activities as well as the benefits we have to offer and if they are interested on redeeming they can sign up at the front desk." She finished with a nervous smile.

"Sweetie I don't have a talent of any kind." Angel turns his to the right.
"Unless you want me to have sex in front of everyone or do drugs."
"Angel don't to dance?" I asked really confused.
"Yeah as a stripper."
"And what about it? Pole dancing is not a sin. You just do it differently. All you have to do is dress differently and come up with a different routine. Pole dancing is dancing no matter how you do it."

"Angel she's right but I forgot to tell you guys that you are all going to be with a partner..." Charlie said nervously.
"It's okay I think we all can learn how to work together at some point. After all we are working together." I said looking around and everyone was nodding in agreement.

"Well since we are all agreeing on working with a partner, Charlie have you chosen a partner for us or do we have to choose?"
"I actually chose for you guys. I decided that Vaggie will manage behind stage because knowing her she wouldn't like to be out there."
"Thanks hun." Vaggie puts a hand on Charlie's shoulder and Charlie smiles softly at Vaggie.

"Okay now Niffty is going to be with me. Angel and Husker are partners an-"
"Wait hold up I'm going to be fucking partners with him?!?!" Husker just says out loud.
"Yeah why what's wrong?"
"Why him?"
"Well as I said before you guys have to get along."
"Look Husker it's not that bad getting to know Angel." I said trying to calm down Husker.

"Yeah but have you seen the way he fucking acts?!?" I turn to see Angel and he was holding his chest up and winking at Husker.
"Okay you have a point but he isn't like that always, right Angel?"
"Sure toots I ain't that bad~"
"You know what I'm fucking out." Husker was going to get up until I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down.

"Look Husker if you do it I will buy you all the booze you want for a year." Husker turns his head and looks at mean."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah just do it and after everything is done I will buy all the booze you want for one year straight."
"Fine I will do it." Husker crosses his arms.

"Okay then so that means Y/N is going to work with Alastor." Once Charlie said that I realized that me and Alastor's were the only two left.
"Wait hold up, are you sure maybe you mixed it up. Was I supposed to work with Husker?" I said nervously.

"Nope you and Alastor are going to work together." She said the with a smile.
'Ohhhh this bitch.'
"Ummm may I ask why?"
"Because as you said we are all working together and we all have learn how to work together." She laid her head on her hands.

I turn to Alastor who was across from me. He just had a grin.
"No that's the final decision and you two are the only two left. Anywayyyy this meeting is over see you guys later." Charlie gathers her papers she had and put it in a folder.

Everyone got up from their seats and left, except Charlie she just sat there waiting. Alastor was the last one to leaves.
"Um dear are you not gonna come along?" He turn around and asked me.
"No, I think I'm gonna stay."
"Okay see you two later." He walked out and closed the door behind him.

I turned around and faced Charlie.
"What?" She just shrugs her shoulders.
"What!? You know what you did."
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't what's your point?"
"You purposely partnered me up him Alastor."
"Yeah I did but I don't know why you are getting upset I thought you liked him."
"Woah hey calm down now I never said that."
"Well you never said it but the way you act says something else."
"What makes you say that?"

"Um maybe that you always talk to him nicely, you always blush when he is around you or speaks to you. You always find a way to have a conversation with. Want me to go on?"
"No and I'm just trying to be um...friendly?" I say that more as a question.

"I don't why you are denying it."
"It's because I'm not sure. I never had this fucking feeling before even when I was alive. I only dated was because I didn't want to seem like a 'loser.' And all the relationships I been in was toxic. I never had what you and Vaggie have, and I don't think I will ever." I say the last part softly and barley audible but enough for Charlie to hear.

Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it, and I will try my best to get another chapter out soon. See you guys in the next chapter👋

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