~Chapter 1~

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I don't know what just happened, a second ago I was in my apartment with my half brother and then got shot by him. And now I'm here dead in hell.

I see my surroundings and see there is a abandon building, so I go inside because I'm very vulnerable right now. I look around and see there isn't much. There is just one floor I can access right now because the stairs a blocked. I look around and see something like a mirror, I get closer and see what I look like.

I see I have like a greyish skin color as well as cat ears and a tail. They are a Purpleish/bluish color. My eyes are purple as well but looks much more as cat eyes. I also noticed that I have claws I tried to put them away but couldn't. I was wearing the same clothes when I was alive, a plain grey shirt and leggings.

Then I heard something, I quickly went behind some furniture that was left behind. I peek to see what was going on. Then I saw other demon coming, it was only just two. One had red skin with horns and black hair, they had a sweater and jeans. The other one had blue skin with also black hair and a plain white shirt and some black joggers. It looked like they were making a deal of some sorts. I tried to backup but I accidentally kicked something behind me which broke. I was pretty sure they heard me.

"Shit!" I yelled-whispered
So I try to run to the exit but they caught up and grabbed me from behind.

"Well well look what we have here." The blue demon said. The red one was holding me tight.
"You know curiosity killed the cat. You know we can sell you to Val you don't look half bad." The red demon said.

I have no idea who Val is so of course I'm scared when he said, "I don't look half bad."

"Please let me go I didn't do anything wrong, I just got here... in the building." Obviously I wasn't going to tell them I just got here in hell.
"How are we supposed to know that's true, you can be lying." One of them said.
"Because I'm saying the true, I wasn't spying on you I just got here a few minutes before you both came." At this point I'm pleading for them to let me go because I don't what they will do to me.
"How about no, we call sell you and get money from that."BD-(blue demon) said.

Then the RD-(red demon) quickly wrapped his arm around me by then neck with one arm and and the other arm was around my waist with my arms next to it as well. He had a knife next to my neck.

"You are going to listen to us and come this us and you will not get hurt, okay?"RD said in my ear.

I didn't say anything I was too concentrated on the knife. 'Maybe if I just relax and then I can get lose and grab the knife.'

"DID YOU NOT HEAR ME SLUT!?" Now he is yelling at my ear which pissed me off.
"I did hear you loud and clear..." I said softly.
"Then why didn't you answer!?"
"Because I was busy thinking of doing...THIS!"
I quickly removed my arm from his grasp and grabbed the knife from his grasp and hit him with my elbow in his stomach, then he let me go.

He then fell into his knees. I noticed that the other demon was going to take out a gun from his sweater. I quickly threw the knife at his hand which caused him to drop the gun. I quickly grabbed the gun and pointed at both of them. One finger was in the trigger ready to shoot.

"So tell me do you still want to sell me or yell at me?"

Then, the the RD got up and started to run towards me so I shot him in the head. I moved towards the other demon and saw in their eyes that they were saying that they were 'sorry'
"It's too late to say sorry now bitch." Then I shot him between the eyes.

"That was fun getting revenge on some low lives again." I said with a mischievous grin on my face. The next thing I knew was that I teleported to the RD out of nowhere.

"Wow...I didn't know I could do that."
I decided to check their pockets to see if there is something of value. But then I heard someone walking towards me. I still had the gun in my had so I turned around and point the gun at the demon behind me.

"I'm sorry if I frightened you I just wanted to know if you were okay." ~

Hopefully who ever is reading this enjoyed this see you in the next chapter👋

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