~Chapter 10~

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"Okay fine you don't have to yell. This what happened...nothing."

Everyone just looks at us dumbfounded.
"I'm not gonna tell you guys since all were listening to our conversation trying to get information out of it." I say as I cross my arms.
"So I decided that I will tell you until tomorrow morning after breakfast."

"What why!?" Angel yells.
"I already told you why. It wasn't very nice for all of you to do that."
"So see you tomorrow I'm gonna go to bed now." I say with a smirk and teleported to my room. I changed my clothes into some shorts and a tank top since it was super hot. I turned off the lights and was getting in to bed until I felt someone else in the room. The room was pitched black but thankfully I had good eyesight especially in the dark. I looked around the room and saw a shadow. It looked like it had antlers and deer ears. I'm pretty sure I know who this is. So I pretended I didn't see him and went to bed and lay my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

"You know Alastor I can tell you are there." There was no answer.
'Is he really gonna pretend he is not there? Wow.'
"What do you want this time if you don't mind me asking." I say that as I sit up straight with a pillow on my back. I turned on the light on my nightstand.

"Wow daring you really are good now, before you couldn't even tell I was in the room." He says as he comes out of the shadows.

"Well with practice and you almost coming to my room every night I just got used to it." I get up and stand in front of him.

"So what do you want?"
"May we sit down?" He gestures the bed.
"We may." I go sit down where I was at first before I got up. And he sits next to me on the edge. But not the all the way.

"So you want to tell why you are here?"
"I just wanted you to know that the idea of listening to you and Husk wasn't mine it was Angel's."
"How can I be sure about that?"
"I'm a demon of my word. I wouldn't do such thing. I was walking past them and saw them all next to the wall. I asked what they were doing and they pulled me back and told me to keep quiet. That's why the flower vase fell down."

"Okay then I believe you. But why are you here? You have thought about the offer I told you about~"
"Wait what?"
"I'm just joking." I started to giggle.
"Oh my that scared me for a second darling."
"Yeah I can tell." We both laughed for a few seconds.

"But for real why are you here?"
"I want to ask if you can tell me at least what happened between you and Husk?"
"I already told you guys tomorrow. You really can't wait, can't you?"
"Well no and I wasn't the one who actually agreed on spying you and Husk."
"I don't know this past almost two months to kept on coming to my room at get a answer of me almost every time."
"And I'm sorry about but I was just curious." He gave me a soft smile which made my heart melt for some reason.

"Okay fine I will tell you. But I'm telling you this now that me and Husk didn't have sex got it."
"Okay got."

After a few hours of drinking me and Husker ran out of booze.

"Look there is no more."
"Well obviously I can fucking see that."
"Hey you don't have to be rude about that." We looked at each other and started laughing.

"Anyway I'm pretty sure I won the bet."
"No fucking way I won."
"Okay let's count how much bottles we drank."
We counted and looked at each other.

"So how much did you drink?"
"About 20 fucking bottles. And you? I don't even know why I am fucking asking. I'm pretty sure you drank abo-"
"I drank 50." I interrupted him. He looks at me dumbfounded.

"No fucking way I call bullshit."
"Okay see for yourself." He got up almost falling down, I started to laugh.
"Shut up I'm trying to count."
Then he realized I was telling the truth.

"You fucking cheated."
"How? Oh wait you can't handle losing can you?"
"Of course I can. It's just you are a female and most can't drink as much as you."
"Well that's what happens when you are born hispanic you learn how to handle your liquor and not throw up every time you drink a lot."
"I guess so."
"Anyway hand over the money."
"No that was not fair I was already fucking drinking before this."
"But you said who ever won will get the other's money."
"Fine." He hands over the money.

"Thank you. Hey don't be sad maybe next to will win. Obviously not against me because you saw how that turned out." I say with a smirk.
"Yeah yeah whatever."
"Hey do want to do something else like rob a place, get more booze or.....ooooo how about go kill lowlives?"
"You are sounding a lot like Alastor." I looked away as he said that.

"That doesn't matter. Anyway what do you want to do?"
"What why?"
"Because we drank a lot we don't know what will happen."
"I guess so. You have a point we can just sit down." We both sat down and looked at the the sky.

"You know it's really peaceful up here..."
"I can tell, you come here a lot right?"
"Yeah helps me to clear my mind. And I even draw here and read. Vaggie and Charlie don't even know where I am when I'm not in my room or in the lobby. I will stay here for hours until someone calls me on my phone or when it's too late."

"That sounds nice not having anyone bothering you every minute."
"It is."
"Hey mind if I come up here every once a while..."

Hopefully you enjoyed this, see in the next chapter👋

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